Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: Confessions

Valorie sat in her bedroom with Matthew in her lap, taking a nap. She was running her fingers through his hair while he slept and just thinking.

Louis was about to walk in on them to talk to her about getting back together when he heard her start talking.

“Oh, my precious baby boy. I’m so sorry. I’m even sorrier that I can’t tell you what I’m sorry about. Well, I can. And I suppose I eventually will, I just don’t want to break your heart. It’s about your dad.” she sighed. “He didn’t really die. He’s actually very much alive, but he was still a hero. He still is a hero. And I’m sure if he knew about you, he would love you so very much. Just like I do, I love you so much Matthew.”

She continued to play with his hair while tears filled up her eyes.

Matthew sat up unexpectedly, “Daddy’s not dead?”

Valorie gasped, “What sweety?”

“Daddy. You said he wasn’t dead. You lied to me.”

“No, honey, I didn’t lie. I was trying to protect you.”

Matthew got up and walked away from her.

“No come back, I love you.” she yelled out into the hallway. She stood up to go after her, until she saw Louis standing in front of her.

“Hey.” she tried to smile.

“You were with another guy?” he asked, sounding angry.

“Excuse me?”

“Were you with another guy?” Louis raised his voice.

“What gives you the right to ask that?” Valorie was starting to get angry.

“I love you.”

“Excuse me? No, you have a girlfriend, you can’t just come in here and yell at me and then tell me you love me.”

“El and I aren’t together anymore. She said she knew how you felt about me and I felt about you, and she didn’t want to get in the way. She wanted us to be together.” Lou stepped closer to her, but she backed away.

“No, I can’t...”

“Why not?” he asked, trying to step closer again.

She held out her hands, “No, please. I can’t.”

“Valorie, talk to me.”

She didn’t say anything else, she just ran out of her apartment and into the other girls’ room. Louis just stood there bewildered. He didn’t know what to think. He told her he loved her, he thought she would’ve been happy to be with him again.

Matthew approached him with tears in his eyes, “my daddy’s not dead. Mommy lied to me. Why did she lie to me?”

Louis opened his arms and Matthew ran into them, “Shh, I’m sure she has a good reason. Your mom only wants what is best for you. If you give her time, she’ll tell you and everything will work out. There’s no reason to cry, love. Everything’s going to be okay.”

Matthew wiped away his stained cheeks and looked up at Louis, “you promise?”

Louis didn’t even hesitate, he looked him straight in the eye, “I promise.”

Matthew ended up falling asleep with Louis on Valorie’s bed. Little did he know that was only a common thing for them, father and son.

Valorie rushed into the girl’s bedrooms in tears. Everyone looked up at her and she rushed out sobs, “I need to talk to you guys.”

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