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Dark bellied clouds raced across the forest sky veiling the stars and the Moon,the only source of light. The night seemed unusually calm as if the creatures of forest had already plunged into an early winter slumber. Even the winds had dropped, making the trees stand silent.

Six people trudged through the forest floor stopping now and then to gaze at the tall tranquil trees. Suddenly the leader stopped and signaled the others to do the same, while he posted himself in front of them. His eyes ,which had a look of an impending storm ,peered into the darkness.

"How long ?" a woman's voice asked him.

The leader didn't answer. Instead he raised his hand and folded his fingers into fist.

The creatures of the forest didn't know what they were going to face. They didn't know that it was, perhaps ,their last night before they were forced to sleep forever.

A soft rustle made the six tense with anticipation.

"Not now ", the leader whispered.For a moment everything stopped. Nothing was heard. Not even the sound of the six beating hearts.

Then it started. The galloping hooves shook the forest floor, making the birds screech in the dark and trees to fall.

The forest was now bustling with life. The creatures tried to escape,for now they knew what was coming to destroy their harbor of peace this night.

"Charge!" the leader shouted as the galloping grew loud. It was coming. The doom was coming. Every 84 years, the cycle repeated.

The war had started. Today,the forest was their battle field.

Voices grew loud, swears exchanged, screams ran through the forest night when one of them fell, the clink of armors and arms sent off the forest lives in trepidation.

They weren't facing the worst nightmare. Rather the worst nightmare was facing them. They were after all the Warriors.


Woooo-yooo-hooo! This is my first post! I hope I wrote it well -fingers crossed-.And hopefully I'll be able to write well in coming weeks (Gulps). So this is my first random question . '

What was the first story you read on Wattpad?'

For me? It was The Bad Boy's Girl by JessGirl93. I found it quite interesting.

So pleaseeeeee show your support by voting,commenting and sharing.And yeah you can PM me if anyone feels like making a better cover for my story. ;P Till then ciao laters,munchkins!

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