Chapter Five

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"Hey, Kent."

Someone poked my ribs.I swatted away whoever's hand it was.

I had woken up startled. I was drenched in sweat, my heart pounding. I had taken deep steadying breath , trying to rid my mind of the boy who came in my dream and my nostrils that was still burning from the smell of rotten corpses and smoke.

Confused and perturbed by yesterday's events, I had performed all the chores and went to school like a zombie. Once, I had been snapped back to present . That was when I was crossing that spot where I had seen the mystery woman. The fear of meeting her again gripped me while I was driving that way.The fear of getting dragged into the evil forest this time made goosebumps appear on my skin.

But nothing happened. And when I had reached the school, I went back to my Zombie mode.

Everything was usual. The classes took place as usual, the teachers monotonously did their teaching, the rustle of pages, the chatter, the scribbling on paper as students jotted down the work , everything was usual.

But I wasn't my usual self. Nor was Amber.

She had come to me, her face gaunt-like, her eyes screaming for sleep. She had flung herself on me, almost knocking us down. Tears that had threatened to fall, now fell perpetually from her eyes as she had choked on her words and said that her brother had not returned last night.

Now we were sitting in the school cafeteria with Amber staring at the ceiling like she had slipped into coma and me with my head down resting on my arms.

"What's the noise ? And who the hell is poking me ?" I mumbled.

"Dylan's poking. Get the noise part yourself," Amber replied back.

Lifting my head, I turned to unleash my death glare at Dylan.

"Aww, you're so beautiful even when you're trying to intimidate, Kent."

A murmur of approval and tsks.

"But- ," he leaned closer, "-You can't intimidate me, dear. Never." He held my gaze .

If he was thinking I would be backing down, then he's wrong. I returned back his gaze , getting aggravated by each passing minute.

Finally he pulled away, smirking. One could hear the collective exhale of breathe the occupants of the cafeteria were holding.

"What do you want, Conner?" I asked using his surname like he used mine.

His smirk vanished. His expression changed into something serious, business-like with a tiny part of anxiousness.



Dylan rolled his eyes. The guys chuckled while the girls shot me disgusting looks.

"I want you to go on a date with me, Kent." His usual smirk was back. "And I know you are choking on the word 'yes' now."

"What makes you think I would say yes ?" I said dramatically.

"No girl has learnt to say 'no' to me, Kent." He folded his hands on the table and stared at me intently.

"But I'm not other girls. And to your question, no I won't go on a date."

Some had their eyebrows dangerously raised while others were nodding their head, approving my decision.

Dylan had a calculating look on his face.

So this is how he gets into a women's pants. Of course, he was thinking of ways to persuade me to go on a date with him.

Throwing his head back, he jumped on our table and sat there cross legged.

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