Chapter One

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Victoria Justice as Celestia Thora! I couldn't think of anybody else. Enjoy reading ,my  munchkins ! ^_^

My love life sucks.
Take now for example.

I spotted my boyfriend leaning against the locker next to mine. The hallway was packed with students chattering and whiling their time before the class began. I pushed through the crowd to where he was standing.
He radiated anxiety and I got a bad feeling about this as I went to my locker and started stuffing books into it.

I turned towards him with a smile."Hi!"

He started,"I didn't notice you there Celestia."

"It's okay," I said waving my hand  dismissively.

"Cel , we-"

"Celestia," I prompted.

"Celestia. We need to talk."

Oh, so this is it.

"It's not gonna work. Our relationship. I can see it," he whispered.

Yeah, some seer you are.

"You see-"

"Let me guess the reasons. You feel insecure around me because I'm too popular for your own liking and I'm too good for you, am I right ?" I ticked off my fingers.

"Yes you are," he grimaced.

"Then get the hell out of here, loser," I smiled at him.

"I can understand-"

"Get the hell out of here before I decide performing vasectomy on you."

There were snickers around us. My boyfriend , ex-boyfriend raised his hands in defeat, mouthed a sorry before he scurried away from my sight.

I stood there for a while. This was the tenth time I had a break up.

Men are losers.

All my exes have been sore losers. Secretly I like the fact that I made them feel uncomfortable because of which they would shower me with their attention all the time.
Since I was very popular I thought they would get desperate to prove their love for me so that I wouldn't run away with another guy (like I would ).

Guess what? I was wrong.

It was always the same "insecurity" and "you're too good for me" excuse. They just couldn't prove that they deserved me. They backed away from me. They thought I was much a hard work to pursue.

What, do you think I get all the handsome, hot guys to date every single time?

Yeah, you're right, but what I need is commitment. Not just a silly teenage fling.

I'm great fan of classics, the ones in which the hero does everything to woo his woman of dreams. Hearts and flowers , if you put it in that way.

"Losers," I muttered.

No wonder all my break up days have ended with polka dotted pajamas, two boxes of tissue papers and Taylor Swift break up anthems.
I closed my eyes and drew a long breath aware of the eyes that were on me. The bell rang signalling the time for my next class, but I was in no mood to attend it. So I took a detour and ran to the cozy little library.

Whenever I felt down I surrounded myself with books. They are loyal. They keep company even in most trying times in your life. Books are not only window to knowledge but also they are getaway from worries and tension of life.

People should take lessons from them, I thought as I stepped into the library.

There was not a soul in the library except me and the librarian. I took my seat and started going through the thermochemistry notes.

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