Chapter Seven

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I didn't realize the car had stopped. Curtains were drawn aside as I saw Jenna peek out.I watched Dylan step out and jog to my side to open the door for me. He extended his hand towards me.

I took his offer and stepped out. "Thank God, chivalry isn't dead yet," I said in a mocking tone.

Dylan grinned shamelessly. "Not for beautiful women like you." Normally, this compliment would have made me blush. But this was coming from the high school jerk, right? What could you expect from them?

I mumbled a 'thank you' and turned to walk to the door where Jenna was standing now.

"Celestia." I turned to see an uncomfortable Dylan looking down at his feet.Wow. This was a kodak moment. I watched him, curious.

"I...uh....This was really great. This made me happy. I wouldn't mind another outing  with you. This was ..umm....special? Lord, where are the words when you need them?" He pulled his hair in frustration. He saw me smiling. "What?" He asked accusingly.

"You called me Celestia." I bite my lips controlling the smile.

Dylan gaped at me in mock-horror."No! I did not!" He shook his head and cocked an eyebrow. "It's you. This is all happening because of you!"

The laughter escaped from my lips and I raised my hands apologetically. "I'll see you later?" I turned back. I heard the soft purr of the car behind me. Still smiling, I greeted a curious Jenna.

"How was it?" She followed me inside.

"Think it was not so bad," I hopped two stairs at a time leaving her in the living room. I entered my room and started undressing at once. I stretched my leg,realizing how sore it was due to walk. I massaged it and cleaned myself.

See? It wasn't that bad, I said to my subconscious. She huffed on her bed and covered herself with the duvet. I chuckled as I got into mine and laid down. Stargazing was fun. Dylan got all the constellations wrong.Stars.......trees.......creature.....

I jerked up wide awake. Why did I wake up?

Oh yes, a faint click sound that didn't belong to this room.Or was it-

I groaned when I found my phone glowing blue. I grabbed it and unlocked, a text flashed on the screen. I blinked several times to make the text appear readable.

Amber - Meeting. 6 am sharp. The Cedar woods. Remember we had a picnic there last time?

I tossed the phone to the bedside table and repeated 'get up at 5' like a mantra so that I wouldn't be late tomorrow.

You don't know but I was eager to go to this meeting. Maybe I could get Alec spilling his guts?

Unknown POV

I did not know the cedar branches could make such a comfy backrest. I clasped my hands together behind my head and waited. The sun occasionally,glaring at me through the leaves.

I wasn't a man with infinite patience. But right now I could pay patience to last a little longer for the view in front of me.

Bless my eyes.

The two mortal girls were deep in conversation. No wait. The blond listened while the brunette did all the talking. The brunette. What was her name?


Just the mention of her name enthralled me. She had dark brown hair that fell in soft curls to her waist. She was slender, her skin creamy with warm brown eyes. She was beautiful in the way any mortal man would worship her for eternity. But that wasn't the only thing that drew me to her. It was her personality, so powerful,so elegant.....She had a bright white aura;the purest of pure that sent my eyes shut and bask in it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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