Chapter Three

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Dedicated to Harshinimalfoy143 for taking the pain for preparing an amazing cover! Thank you so much.

I faltered into the house and took a deep breathe to steady myself. I leaned on the front door racking my tiny brain for an explanation. My eyes fell on the bureau that Jenna had secured in an auction a fortnight ago. She was still due to shift it to her room. On the bureau was an aquarium with five goldfishes. As I watched the fishes play, I was reminded of the event that had occurred not less than fifteen minutes ago.

Maybe it was just a hallucination, my subconscious was trying her best to distract myself from the disturbing image that had scared the daylights out of me.

All the time I was driving, I kept looking in my rear view, getting that dreaded vibe of someone tailing my car. I jumped a little when I heard Jenna's voice coming from the living room.

"Is this a time to....Celestia!" She covered her mouth with her hand and widened her eyes. She was attired all in black with a pearl necklace around her neck. Her blonde hair was done in a high ponytail . Of course she was attending some charity event tonight.


"Your face."

"What about my face?"

"Why, child? You look like you have seen a ghost !"Jenna cried out.

I mentally scoffed."I could say the same about you."

"Oh!" She shook her head. "Did you hurt yourself? Did someone say you anything? Did someone hurt you? Tell me."

"Stow your weapons ,Jenna. We won't be needing them tonight." I replied entering into the kitchen.

Jenna was hovering behind me probably deliberating to ask me further questions or not. And then she asked the most unexpected question that would have been the most expected one today if I already wouldn't be having so many things going inside my head.

"You broke up with him."

I groaned internally. Did she have to remind me of that ? Wait. It did happen today right ?

"Yes, I did." I wasn't that pleased of her reminding me of my break up but I was relieved how this excuse covered up the real reason for my utter pallor.

"Kids these days-"

"I really don't want that, Jenna. You should get going." The last thing I would want Jenna starting her sermons on this generation's unhealthy dating habits.

"You okay, child?" I turned to look at her. She was chewing her nail, with a look of concern etched on her beautiful aging face.

I gave her a megawatt smile instantly making her smile in return. With three steps she was in front of me, crushing me into a hug.

"I won't be long. Got your food ready. I have put some cash on the counter, you know, if you feel like eating something else."

She pulled away and she smiled at me. I nodded and gestured towards the entrance. She grabbed her clutch from the counter and headed towards the door.

Suddenly she turned back. "Usual protocol. Don't let any window open except this front one okay?"

I rolled my eyes."Yes, momma."

Her eyes softened. "I wish you call me that every time."

With that she was out of the house and into a waiting cab. Strange. She could have taken her car.

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