Last Kiss -One Shot-

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Author's P.O.V

The scene that unfold infront of Taeyeong's eyes is definitely not pleasant. He gulp and clenched his fist. He was standing in between the crowd with his cap hanging low on his head and he wear his disguised to cover up his face. He was there all along, long enough to watch how the new member flirt with Park Jin, or how Park Jin flirt with the new member.

"Sangyeong" Taeyeong mumbled the new member's name. He is tall and handsome, Taeyeong must admit that.

Yes, Taeyeong leave the group. But no, he didn't break up with Park Jin just yet. So why does Park Jin act like he is single? He watch as Park Jin wipe Sangyeong's sweat.

Park Jin doesn't even replied his text message, the older didn't answered his call, the older hang up instead. When he went to Park Jin's house, the older was always never there, as if he know that Taeyeong will come.

He saw Park Jin playing around with his phone so he tried his chance. He send a message to the older and see the older's reaction.

He saw that Park Jin got his message, however, Park Jin just swipe Taeyeong's message away while rolling his eyes.

"Who?" He heard Sangyeong ask.

"Nobody" Park Jin answered and it crash his heart.

He quickly walk away with a slump shoulder. But before he could walk further away, he heard a girl called his name a little bit too loud, so he turn around and saw everyone looking at him including Park Jin and the other members. Instead of saying 'Hi! long time no see, boyfriend', he run away. He run really hard. He run without stopping. He run without looking back. He run despite the lack of energy.

He stop at one point and look back, no, the older didn't chase after him. No, the older didn't tried to call him. Yes, maybe the older had give up on him. So he call someone, someone that will listen to him. Kim Taeyou.


"Hyungggg~ You should try to confront him" Taeyou whined and Taeyeong sigh.

"I tried! But its hard" This time, it is Taeyou's turn to sigh.

"I know its hard, but as long as you doesn't confront him, this feeling won't going away" Taeyou grab his favourite hyung's shoulder.

"Listen, I will accompany you and hide behind something. All you have to do is apologize and ask" Taeyeong nodded with defeat. He know that he doesn't have any choice.

"Why do you want to meet me?" Park Jin ask coldly and Taeyeong feel like dejavu.

They are currently at a park nearby the older's house. Taeyou? He is hiding behind the tree, wearing all black like a ninja.

"C-can't I meet my boyfriend?" Taeyeong ask and he get a sinister laugh from the older.

"You've got to be kidding me. Leaving the group without telling me first, is that what boyfriend do?!" Park Jin raised his voice making the smaller flinched.

"I'm sorry, I have my own reason" Taeyeong said with a timid voice.

"Hyung" They heard a soft voice and it turn out Sangyeong.

"Did he sleep in your house?" Taeyeong ask, trying his best to hold back his anger.

"Yes. Look carefully" Park Jin said before grabbing Sangyeong's head and dive in for a sloppy kiss.

Taeyeong gasp and bite his lips harshly at the scene. A tears pooling in his eyes, threatening to fall down.

"Why don't you tell me?" Taeyeong tried not to sound desperate.

"Ask that to yourself too" Park Jin mock him and Sangyeong unbelievably smirk. That's when Taeyou has had enough and jump out from his hidden place.

"You son of a bitch" Taeyou cursed and try to attack them but Taeyeong held him back.

"Reason" Taeyeong stop to take some breathe before continued.

"Reason why I didn't tell you, is because, I want you to focus on your competition instead of worrying about me. Reason why I leave the group is because I wanted to do solo. I'm desperate for money. Yes, I study. Yes, I have a stable job, but I still need to busking. And if I busking alone, I won't have to share the money" Taeyeong stopped his talk to see their reaction.

"What a gold digger" Park Jin said.


"I need a lot of money to pay the hospital bill. I really need a lot of money. An accident occur and it happened that my parents was there. They need to transplant their heart and they are badly injured. If I couldn't find all of the money in the short period of time, they will leave me. I can just borrow some money from the members, from you, but I don't want to become a burden as I don't know when can I repay the money. That's why Taeyou and Yuseong leave the group. They tried to help me by working to earn some money even when I didn't ask to. I didn't tell them, they figure it out by themself. I tried to tell you, but you never listen" Taeyeong wipe his tears.

"I hope you are happy with Sangyeong" Taeyeong forced a smile before walking away but Park Jin grab his hand and hug him tightly.

"I'm sorry Taeyeongieee! I'm really sorry. I don't have any relationship with him, please come back to me" Park Jin said making Taeyou 'tssk'.

"No hyung. There is no 'us' anymore. You deserve someone better. Good luck in your future, hyung. I will always support you. This is our last" Taeyeong said before pecking the older's lip and walk away without looking back.

"Sorry for the cursed, but not sorry for you Samyeong, Sangyeong, Anyeong, whatever Idk your name" Taeyou saiid before run after Taeyeong.

"Hyung" Taeyou poke Taeyeong's arm as they walking down the road but he received no reaction.

He stop infront Taeyeong and studied the shorter's face. Taeyeong was crying, without a sound. Taeyeong look really fragile that it make Taeyou's heart hurt, as if one touch can break him apart.

Therefore, he pick upp his hyung like a baby, and Taeyeong hug him like a coala. They walk, or more like Taeyou walk until they arrive at the youngest's house. Taeyou laid Taeyeong in his bed before changing into a comfortable clothe.

He soon take a place beside Taeyeong and hug him. He played with the older's hair and kiss his forehead.

"You have suffered enough, I promise I will stay by your side. I promise I will confess my feeling to you when everything is getting more stable. I want to say this three word so bad, hyung. I love you" Taeyou whispered and this time, he kiss Taeyeong's lip softly.

"I think I started to fall in love with you too" Taeyeong's word startled the shit out of Taeyou.

"Hyung! You scare me" Both of them chuckled.

"Its good then. I will make you fall for me even more and I will take care of you" Taeyou said and Taeyeong pull him down for another kiss.

A/n, goodbye Jinyeong.
And also, I didn't re-read and re-edit so, I'm sorry for any mistake

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