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emily | levi

Welcome to help line. How may I assist you today?

Sorry about the other time. You were just trying to help me. I didn't mean to come off as bitchy.

No need to apologize, love. The idea of your family and friends finding out about your struggles is terrifying. I get it.


Have you gone through something like this before, Levi?


Yes. I have clinical depression. And I self harm.

I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

I know. I just - you don't deserve to have to go through stuff like that.

And you don't deserve to silently suffer with your eating disorder. Life has gotten a little bit easier to go through with people by my side supporting me.

...I know. But I'm too scared to take the leap. I'm too scared to try and get help. I don't know how the rest of my life will go if I do.

Look, Emily. I'm not going to lie and say recovery is easy. There are still days where I self harm and want to give up. You'll fall in relapses, and you'll end up back in square one. But once you reach the end, you'll live the rest of your life better than you were before.


Why does life have to be so shitty?


To make us stronger. To make us survivors.

I don't know if I can survive this.

You will. I'll make sure of it.




Okay. I'm trusting you on this, Levi. I'm going to call it a night now. Goodnight.

Goodnight, Emily.

[call ended]

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