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Her beautiful gray eyes twinkled. I longed for her to say something but it was like she was waiting on me."So when was the first time that you've ever had sex?" I asked eager to avoid the awkward silence. She fiddled with her nails, putting her response together.
"If we're being honest, at fourteen", she answered.
"Huh? What? From who?"
She took a moment before saying, "My uncle." Fuck. The mood immediately darkened. I didnt want to ask more about it because I just couldn't hear about her sad past right now.
"Wow Sofie Im really so-"
"Whatever." She cut me off.
"Well, okay", I rubbed my neck, searching for other appropriate questions. "I want to know everything about you, every single thing." She blinked, a smile slowly forming onto her red lips. "Um...lets see, I was almost engaged once", She told me, chuckling. I laughed, my ears finding what she told me to be quite humorous.
"Yes...It was a one night stand gone bad", She widened her eyes, sticking her tongue out comically.
"Oh wow, anything else?" I was eager to know some more.
"No. Oh yeah!" She exclaimed lowering the dress beyond her shoulders. I raised a brow, quite confused. You wanted to have sex...now?
"What is it?" I asked glancing towards the door. I was a bit unsure about this.
"I have a tattoo", she whispered.
"Where?" I questioned, excited to see the secret she'd been hiding for God knows how long. I also understood why she was whispering. If mom found out, she'd have it removed. Yup, with a laser.
She raised her right arm and pointed her finger to her breasts. At first, I had no idea what she was showing me but then I saw the little tattoo. It was a small star but really cute nevertheless.
"How come I never noticed it?" I asked myself. It was more of a rhetorical question but Sofia answered anyway.
"Because in a million years you would've never thought that I had one, so your mind allows you to miss it. Simple."
"Okay smarty pants, any questions for me?"
"Yes. When's your birthday?"
I replied without even thinking, "March 14th, a month after yours." She smiled and I assumed it was because I remembered her birthday. I mean, she should be worrying about how I knew when it was and who could've possibly told me.
She was silent, an invisible chart of questions to throw at me spreading out in front of her then she finally opened her mouth again. "Ryan, how do you feel about me?" She shocked me with this question.
I was a bit taken back by her question. Her beautiful eyes glanced at me, awaiting an answer. Her hair blew away from her face by a gust of wind that came from the unknown.
"Well, I...um...", I stuttered then let out a sigh. "You're different." She waited for an explanation. "You...you're not like anyone I've met before. You're smart and beautiful and everything I've ever found myself wanting, you know. You have a great personality but...I'm gonna hurt you. I just know that I will and you deserve much, much more than that." My response came straight from the heart. She was trying to break through those brick walls and I was letting her. "How about you?"
"Me?" She looked up at the ceiling. At nothing basically. "I just feel like you're the one my heart chooses. This is really cheesy and I never thought I'd say something like this but you're the sand on my beach and I really really want to be with you Ryan. People could change you know?" I nodded with a smile, taking in every word.
"You're the first girl I've had a real connection with in three years", I told her, chuckling. She blushed looking at me. "I-" Wait, what am I doing?
I shook my head getting up from the bed.
"Whats wrong?" She asked her eyes following my every move.
"I can't do this", I told her walking away. She jumped off of the bed and came after me, grabbing hold of my hand.
"Yea' you can", she assured me. I continued to shake my head. "Ryan, don't fight it!" I spun around, pulling my hand away from her grip.
"Wake up and smell the flowers Sofie, It'll never work, me and you...it'll never work!" I yelled balling my fist. I always did it when I got angry but it doesn't always mean that I want to fight. She's just pushing fragile buttons.
"Ryan, I'm willing to try as hard as I have to but I'll need your support", her voice was slightly breaking.
"Come on Sofie lets be real, this is bullshit. We can't change the fact that we're already related and Delancey, she'll never allow this-us- to happen! This will never work!"
It was quiet. Sofia stared into the distance and nodded her head, tears slowly streaming down her face.
The silence lasted for about 5 minutes before Sofia's phone rang in my pocket. I was about to decline but decided against it. It might be urgent.
"Yeah", I answered. The male's voice didn't make the situation any better. "Is Sofia here?" He asked. I pushed the phone to Sofia and watched as she placed it to her ear.
"Yeah", she said softly. She glanced at me then turned her back, brushing a hand through her hair. It was as if she didn't want to see my face. I don't blame her.
"Is she feeling any better as of today? Well, I don't-okay. I'll-I'll get there as soon as I could."
She hung up then turned to face me, without looking directly at me. She raised her hand, wiggling the phone "My grandmother is sick."
I nodded understandably. Without another word she left, unable to stand being in the same room with me. I don't blame her, I wanted to leave myself for being such a jerk. The truth hurts.
The next few days Sofia put up a battle ground. The most contact we've made was when she rolled he eyes or glared at me. She didn't want to talk nor did she want my presence anywhere near her. I know I hurt her feelings but it was probably for the best.
After all, it was just sex.

Nerdy Sex Goddess [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now