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I yawned, sitting up in bed.
Who's bed?
How did we get here?
I had no idea.
I groaned and began giggling the same time. Weirdly, I had little to no memory of last night.
The door on the far left open and out came Ryan. He wore a towel over his bottom half. His hair was wet and matted all over his face.
"Morning princess", he smiled, placing a kiss onto my forehead.
"Morning", I blushed, smiling uncontrollably as I pulled him into bed with me. He chuckled then kissed me, whiles caressing my bare skin.
"Hmm, plans?" He asked pulling away. I shrugged, as I tugged at his towel with my feet until they came off. Successful.
"No Shirley but we could make some", I suggested smirking.
"Im not convinced yet", he pretended to think then folded his arms. I rolled onto him, sliding beneath the sheets. "Sofa?"
"Uh?" I licked my lips then stroked him, circling his tip with my tongue.
"Hmm...I think now Im convinced."
I left Ryan in bed and journeyed to the bathroom deciding that a shower could do me much good. I probably smelled like Ryan all over. I returned from my fresh shower and went upstairs to get dressed. Quickly slipping on a long sleeved white V neck shirt and knee high black skirt with black boots, I was back downstairs in no time. I had something important to do today before it was too late.
I threw my black sweater around me as I came down the stairs. My black hair was in a ponytail with two strands out on both sides.
"And where are you going?"
I jumped, spinning around from the surprise of him being behind me. I held my car keys behind my back.
"Im go-going to the uh..." I looked around the living room searching for the perfect lie. Or getaway. "Im going to the store."
Ryan eyebrows raised. Shit. "Because?"
"I'm hungry", It was rolling from my tongue.
"You're hungry? In this place?" He asked, eying me with suspicion. I needed one more piece to the lie.
"I want an ice cream sundae", I told Ryan blatantly. He let his hands fall to his sides and sighed.
"Cool. Im coming with you then", he suggested.
"No!" I exclaimed before clamping a hand over my mouth. He raised his brow again.
"I mean, I need to make a stop at the hospital first", I said. That was actually true. I needed to this alone so that nothing caused me to change my mind. Plus if anyone found out, I would be boiled.
"So? Are you hiding something from me?" He inched forward his arms still folded. My face was screaming yes but my mouth responded "no."
"Cool, lets go. I'm driving."
I groaned placing my keys onto the table. Damn it Ryan. Without exchanging much words, I got into the passenger seat of his car.
"You're gaining some weight", Ryan joked starting his car. I rolled my eyes ignoring his comment or attempted joke.
"Lets just go. My appointment is at 2."
"Okay sour cream, off we go. But first," he kissed my cheek which automatically made me smile. "I love you."
"Just drive, you miniature dumbo", I giggled. He bit my cheek and sat upright.
"You know you love me", he glanced at me whiles gaining speed. I shrugged. Cant say that I didn't.
"I'll call you when Im done", I told Ryan before shutting the door. The window slid down and his face poked out. "Don't take long, I'll be waiting", he grinned, winking. I giggled already walking away from him. He cleared his throat. I closed my eyes, a huge smile on my face then spun back around. I jogged back to him and intimately kissed his lips. I didn't care how much people saw us anymore.
He grinned, licking his lips. "Thats better. See ya."
I hated the hospital. The putrid scent of sickness and blood floating in the air always made my stomach churn. I ignored the glances I got from the males sitting in the waiting area. This was just gross. I shook my head, trying to forget their smirks.
"Excuse me, Im here for my appointment with Dr. Daniel", I whispered to the woman behind the table. Her dark melanin skin was really attractive along with her constructive hairstyle. She was one of those women who wouldn't let their jobs keep them from being stylish. The tag on her shirt read 'Amberley Ian'.
"Name please?"
"Ms. Edwards?"
"Yeah", I nodded as she picked up the phone. She nodded her head and began to speak into the receiver.
The scent of blood was causing the bile in my stomach to rise up. My head began to spin when I saw the bloody stretcher being rushed past followed by a swarm of nurses and doctors. Deep breaths I told myself.
"Ok, he's on the third floor room 115", Amberley smiled at me, clicking her gum. I smiled back and found myself unable to move.
My ears were drawn to the sounds of the crying toddlers in the waiting area, their mothers desperately trying to shush them.
My eyes caught a glance from another woman, breastfeeding her baby.
My attention shifted again, this time landing on a man pacing the waiting room holding a crying little girl.
The cries of the toddlers echoed within the walls of my mind, shattering my eardrums and quickening the beating of my heart. The room was spinning and pretty soon, I found myself colliding into someone.
I groaned, clinging onto the person for support. My legs were giving up on me.
"Are you okay?" The voice asked. My lungs was suddenly tight and it became harder for me to take in any oxygen. I felt as though I was trapped into a box, unable to scream for help.
My vision became blurry and the last thing I saw was regret.

-I know you're all like, how can you see regret? My job is to write not explain what I wrote-

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