Chapter 3

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Blue stairs at Dust, processing what he said. Then responds "It's ok ... Heh ... It's not as bad as the nightmares... Just an average day, then all hell breaks lose, ... And your brother is killed by your... As you thought, your best friend. Then, them coming after you, and you only have simple bone constructs to protect yourself, and a low magic level..."

Dust looks at Blue thinking on what to say... Surprisingly he comes up with nothing to say, so he just nods and opens his arms towards Blue, if asking if he needs a hug without saying anything. Blue accepts and hugs him, Dust runs his hand up then down in a calming manner on Blue's back. They stay like that long enough that the movie ends and replys.

Soon after the movie begins to replay, they separate from the hug, Blue seems happier and Dust is content with it.

Moments later the lights flicker off then back on several times then stay on. Dust is startled by it, but Blue, he's unaffected by it, as if it's normal.

" Uh blue? What happened?"

"Hm?, Oh it's just the core, it does that sometimes, and sometimes, it stays off for hours on end, making everything in the underground dark."

"And this is normal?"


Dust is slightly taken back by the nonchalant way Blue said that.

Blue yawns and stretches slightly, rubbing his eye socket with one hand. Dust looks at Blue, tilting his head to the side "Tired there Blue?"

Blue nods realizing how tired he is. "Mm ... If you want you can sleep in my room with me in case the power goes out..."

Dust visibly jumps a little but Blue is to tired to notice it. "If you don't that's ok ... but you can use my room ... ... I can sleep in pappy's room ..."

"Nah kid your sleeping in your room in case that 'nightmare' of your's returns."

"... okay ... But then where are you going to sleep?"

"With ya."

Blue looks at Dust, Dust looks back at Blue. "... Ok, come on..." Blue shifts and slides off the couch, Dust realises just how short Blue is. Blue stands and holds out a hand for Dust, who takes it and stands. Blue leads him to the stairs and begins to walk up them. Dust however has a different idea, pulling Blue back and picking him up, to which blue responds with a small squeak of surprise. Dust now walks up the rest of the stairs to the bedroom door farthest away from the stairs, shifting blue to hold him with one hand and opens the door with the other.

Dust steps in and closes the door behind him, walking to the bed and setting Blue down on it. To Dust's surprise the bed is much bigger than he expected. Blue slips off his boots, gloves, and scarf and sets them next to the bed. Dust slips off his slippers and signature blue jacket and sets them down next to Blues dresser. Blue pat's the spot next to him on the bed for Dust, who moves and sits next to him.

Where The Dust Flys...( Dust x Berry)   Where stories live. Discover now