Chapter 7

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Blue stops singing and opens his eye sockets, to see dust stairing at him.

"Heh.. ya got a nice singing voice there Blue" Dust says looking at Blue with his head tilted to tell side a little.

Blue smiles "I'm not that good but I'm happy your okay."

"Yeah.." dust tries to sit up but is stopped by blue gently placing a hand over his chest.

"No you need rest your HP is low."

"I'll be fine Blue, it's been that way for a while."

"Well I'm going to fix that."

"Heh alright blue."

"I'll be right back, I have to grab something to help you heal." Blue stands up as dust nods.

Blue walks out the door of his room and closes it most of the way, walking down the stairs, towards the kitchen.

Next to the fridge is large and mostly hidden door. Blue grabs a key from the top of the door frame and unlocks the door. Trying to turn the knob and pushing on it to open the door, but the door won't budge so blue shoves his shoulder against the door as it fly's open.

Blue just bearly caught himself from falling as it opens, standing in the now open door, he reaches to his right, against the wall, a click is heard, as a incandescent yellow light flicks on from above.

* :) *

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