Chapter 2 - Later on Saturday Night

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Chapter 2 - Later on Saturday Night

As Nya bustled about the saloon, she spotted a familiar, friendly man walking through the swinging doors who didn't usually show up on a Saturday night. It was Doc Julien, a kindly old widower who was Ninjago Town's doctor. Tonight he seemed to be acting a bit nervous.

"Howdy, Doc!" she greeted him. "Nice to see you. What brings you to the Morro Saloon tonight?"

"Uh, good evening, Miss Nya. I, uh, am here because I have a meeting with Mr. Morro."

"I'll sure be happy to tell him you're here. Can I get you something to wet your whistle?"

"Perhaps a sarsaparilla would be refreshing, thank you."

"One sarsaparilla, coming right up then!"

Nya walked over to Morro's office on the far side of the saloon and knocked on the door. "Mr. Morro, Doc Julien is here to see you. Says he has a meeting with you."

Nya had expected that Morro would simply shout through the closed door, "Send him in." So she was startled when the door suddenly swung open and Morro's tall, menacing frame filled the doorway. He brushed right past her and weaved his way through the throng of saloon customers until he spotted the doctor just inside the swinging doors, fidgeting with the hat he held in his hands.

"Uh, good evening, Mr. Morro," Doc Julien said.

"Julien," Morro responded gruffly. "Come into my office." He tilted his head in that direction, indicating that he wanted the doctor to proceed. The doctor began walking and Morro closely followed him.

They walked past Nya into the office. She was still standing outside the door with her mouth open.

Morro poked his head back out the door. "Don't you have work to do?" he growled at her.

"Yes, sir," she responded. After two years of working for him, she still felt a little scared around him.

He slammed the door shut.

She remembered she did have work to do. Doc Julien had ordered a sarsaparilla. She went to the bar and asked Rufus, the bartender, to pour one for her.

Carrying the drink on a tray, she walked back to Morro's office. But just as she was about to knock on the door, she heard the men having a heated discussion.

"I told you already that it would be illegal to simply sell it to you from my apothecary unless there was a medicinal purpose," the doctor said.

"Look, Julien," Morro said with exasperation in his voice. "I am the richest man in town and I always get what I want. And I want your potion because I want to trick Sam into drinking it tomorrow morning so she'll marry me. And if you don't give me what I want, I'll make sure you never work in Ninjago Town again!"

Nya, shocked and upset at what she heard, dropped the tray. Shattered glass and liquid sprayed all over the place. The office door flew open.

Anger filled Morro's eyes as he surveyed the mess and the frightened girl.

"How much talk did you hear?" he demanded to know, narrowing his eyes at her.

"N-nothing, I s-swear!" Nya stammered.

"I don't believe you," he said in a quiet voice, his eyes still narrowed. He brought his face close to hers.

"From now on, you stay away from those Garmadon Ranch boys. I know you especially like the one in the blue kerchief. I've only tolerated them because they're regular customers, but Wu has always been a thorn in my side, just like his brother before him, and ever since Lloyd became the sheriff, he's been a pain in my business dealings, too."

"So stay away from them, or you're fired! Understand?"

"Y-yes, sir!" Tears welled up in Nya's eyes.

"Good! And clean up this mess now!" Morro yelled. And with that, he slammed the door shut again.

The tears fell from Nya's eyes as she bent down and absent-mindedly used her bar rag to push the sarsaparilla glass shards into a small pile. Her thoughts raced. She had just heard her boss make multiple threats: to run Doc Julien out of town, to drug Sam with a potion, and to fire Nya herself if she continued to associate with her favorite cowboy.

Speaking of said cowboy, she felt a tap on her shoulder and when she looked up, he was holding a mop and a fresh bar rag.

"You might want to use the mop so you don't get cuts on your hands," Jay said with a concerned expression.

Knowing Morro might be listening from the other side of the door, Nya stood up slowly and said, "I can handle this myself, Jay. Go away."

Jay was taken aback. "What?"

"I said go away, Jay," Nya said, louder and firmer.

"B-but, Nya.."


An expression of hurt crept across Jay's face. "All right," he said softly. He set the mop and bar rag down, and he turned and walked away.

Nya didn't care who saw her crying as she cleaned up the mess.

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