Chapter 9 - Sunday at 10:00 am

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Chapter 9 - Sunday at 10:00 am

At ten o'clock, the church bell rang outside, summoning all to worship.

Inside the church, the organ played the prelude to the service.

Mr. Wu and the Garmadon Ranch boys, dressed in their Sunday best, filed in. The ranch hands, over breakfast, had told their boss what they had learned overnight. Mr. Wu wasn't too happy to hear that his hired men were running around town in the middle of the night, but he was more upset at the shenanigans of his rival. So even though they ordinarily left their guns at the ranch on Sunday mornings, today they all secretly carried their firearms in their inner coat pockets.

Mr. Wu went to his customary front-pew seat on the church's left hand side. The young men took their usual seats in the farthest back pew, also on the left.

The arrival of the ranchers was noted by Morro, who had twisted around in his front-pew seat on the church's right hand side to view the people coming inside. Glares were exchanged across the church between the saloon owner and the Garmadon Ranch men.

Nya usually sat next to Jay, but today Jay knew she wouldn't be here, since she was going to be working at the saloon, getting ready for the luncheon reception. But in light of her boss' edict to stay away from the Garmadon Ranch boys, Nya may have been too afraid to sit next to Jay anyway. Jay was going to miss the company of his lovely seatmate.

When the organ music stopped, Pastor Neuro stepped up to the pulpit to say a few words of welcome to the congregation. Then, as usual, he made announcements of general interest to the church members.

"...I would also like to announce that the Ladies' Fundraising Group is holding a bake sale right after the service next Sunday. All ladies of the church are invited to bring their most delicious baked goods to be sold for the purpose of raising funds for the Sunday School."

"Remind me to bring some of my poker winnings from last night to church next week," Cole whispered to Kai, anticipating the purchase of several cakes.

"Our last announcement for today is a happy one. Shortly after this service ends, I will be pleased to officiate at the wedding of our most generous donor, Mr. Morro, to a lovely young new resident of our town, Miss Samantha Borg. All church members are invited to stay for the wedding and then adjourn to Mr. Morro's saloon for a reception featuring light refreshments."

Polite clapping erupted among the congregation and was acknowledged by Morro, who twisted around in his seat to give a small wave to them.

The Garmadon Ranch cowboys and their boss kept their arms folded.

"Now let us take our hymnals and sing page 136," Pastor Neuro instructed as the service continued.

Due to his lack of sleep last night, Kai had a tough time staying awake during the service, particularly during Pastor Neuro's sermon. He sat between Zane and Cole, and they took turns nudging him in the ribs whenever his chin fell on his chest.

Finally Pastor Neuro announced the page number for the final hymn of the service. The organ began playing and the ranch hands watched as Morro stood up. They knew he was getting up to collect his bride. As he walked toward the exit of the church, he sneered at Kai as he passed by. Kai narrowed his eyes in response.

Once the members of the congregation finished singing the final hymn, most of them remained in their seats in anticipation of the ceremony that was to follow. Kai took this opportunity to switch seats with Cole so that Kai would now be sitting on the end seat closest to the aisle.

In the meantime, Nya arrived at the church and sneaked into the seat next to Jay. She was upset.

"Oh, Jay, I'm so sorry about last night. Mr. Morro said I wasn't allowed to talk with you or the other Garmadon Ranch boys," she whispered.

"Don't worry, Nya," Jay whispered back, taking hold of her hand. "I know it wasn't a personal thing. Kai talked to Doc Julien and we know why he said that."

"And I feel terrible for Sam. I tried to talk to her to warn her about Morro's plan this morning, but Archer wouldn't let me leave my room until it was too late."

"It's all right, my little cherry blossom. Kai was able to tell her ahead of time about what was going on."

"Thank goodness!" Nya breathed a sigh of relief. She rested her head on her favorite cowboy's shoulder.

The wait for the ceremony was short. Just a few minutes later, the organ resounded with the beautiful tones of a piece of classical music.

The first set of people to walk down the aisle were Archer and Bansha. Archer's hair was slicked back. He seemed to be performing the duties of best man and ring bearer, since he carried a pillow on which the wedding rings were resting. Bansha apparently was serving as the maid of honor. She wore her usual ragged shawl but she carried a small bouquet of white daisies.

Then, as was the custom, the congregation rose to their feet as the bride and groom entered the room.

Sam was beautifully resplendent in a shimmery white beaded gown. A crown of white daisies adorned her golden blonde tresses. She carried a small bouquet of white daisies in her hand.

Kai's jaw dropped as he beheld the blue-eyed beauty who stood only an arm's length away from him just inside the church doors. Morro was standing on her other side, holding onto her waist, waiting for the appropriate point in the music to begin walking down the aisle and toward the altar.

Upon seeing Morro, Nya hid herself behind Jay's shoulder. He held his hat at just the right angle to help camouflage her.

Kai could see Sam's eyes searching the congregation as she stood there, swaying to the left and right. Hoping she was looking for him, he reached out and touched her elbow. Relief registered in her eyes when she saw him standing right there, and she winked at him in response.

That's when he knew she had avoided ingesting the potion. His heart leaped.

So when she and Morro proceeded down the aisle, and he saw her stumble and sway on the way to the altar, he knew it was an act.

Now they had to surprise Morro and stop the wedding ceremony before the "I-do" part.

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