Chapter 13 - Monday at 1:00 am

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Chapter 13 - Monday at 1:00 am

In addition to dealing with damp clothing, Kai had to deal with disappointment.

He had expected the posse to have caught up with them by now, but two unfortunate events had occurred.

After they had crossed Central Bridge, a plank bridge over the Ninjago River which was held up by rope, Archer had used his ax to cut the rope and destroy the bridge. In addition, a sudden thunderstorm which had appeared after sunset had been so torrential that it filled gullies with rapidly flowing water and made it impossible for horses to safely cross.

Kai was sure these events effectively stopped the posse's pursuit of them and allowed them to enter Skeleton Territory.

Now it was after midnight, and they had arrived in the Skeleton Territory town of Noscut. They were sheltering from the still-raging thunderstorm in the headquarters of the town sheriff, who Morro apparently knew. Kai suspected that Morro had done a previous favor for this sheriff and was now requesting a favor in return.

While Morro talked with the sheriff, and Bansha and Archer went off to who knows where, Kai and Sam were seated in some wooden chairs. Kai's wrists were still tied.

Kai looked around at the surroundings. This sheriff's headquarters weren't as nicely kept as Sheriff Lloyd's. Rain dripped from the ceiling in certain places. A questionable aroma permeated the air. And Kai did not want to alarm Sam, but he spotted a rat running along a wall.

"I hope they can give us some dry clothes or at least a blanket," he said to Sam, glad for this first real chance in nearly 24 hours to converse with her.

"I hope so, too," she responded, crossing her arms as she shivered in the damp bridal gown. "And some food would be nice."

Morro and the sheriff finished their conversation and walked over to the couple.

"We're spending the rest of the night here, as a favor to me. Sheriff Kruncha is going to take you to where you're going to sleep tonight. In the morning we'll finalize our business deal," he said, grinning as he walked away.

The sheriff lit up two lanterns, giving one to Sam and taking one for himself. He motioned for Kai and Sam to follow him. They stood up and walked behind him to the back of the building, which seemed somewhat isolated from the rest of the facility. Here, a jail cell was located.

The sheriff unlocked the door, opened it, and said, "In you go."

Sam's jaw dropped, not believing that this cold, inhospitable stone-walled cell was to be the sleeping quarters. On the lone piece of furniture - a twin size bed - a single tattered blanket served as a bed linen.

Sam apparently was not moving fast enough into the cell to satisfy Kruncha, because he pushed her in.

He pushed in Kai right after her, slamming the door, and turned to leave.

"Hey, wait, can I at least get these ropes untied, now that I'm locked in?" Kai asked, holding up his wrists.

"Stick 'em through the door," Kruncha ordered as he whipped out a knife.

Kruncha took hold of Kai's hands and made quick slashes to remove the ropes before Kai got any ideas about grabbing the knife.

"Thanks. Got any grub?" Kai asked as Kruncha turned to leave again.

Kruncha rolled his eyes. "I'll see what we got," he said and left.

Kai rubbed his wrists. "That's much better," he said and turned to look at Sam.

Sam was staring wide-eyed at something on the floor, and it was moving.

"Oh, uh, yeah, that's a rat," Kai explained delicately, wondering if there was going to be a further reaction from her. "Do you, uh, want to maybe get on the bed?"

Sam bit her lower lip and nodded. Still staring at the rat, she set down her lantern and slowly sidled up to the bed, climbing on it in a kneeling position.

Kruncha returned with a tray containing two tin cups of water and half a loaf of bread. "That's all until breakfast," he said as he slid it under the door. Then he left again. Kai suspected they weren't going to see him or anyone else until the morning.

Kai picked up the tray and brought it over to the bed. He set it down next to Sam and sat on the other side of the tray after moving the blanket aside.

She looked at the loaf. Mold appeared to be growing on it.

She looked into the tin cups. Things were floating on the water's surface in both cups.

Tears welled up in her eyes and her throat tightened. She tried to be brave and strong, but dirty drinking water was just one difficulty too many to endure, after facing so many of them in the past 24 hours.

Kai noticed the pinched look on her face. "You all right, Sam?"

Sam began to sob. "I am c-cold and wet and h-hungry and t-tired and I'm about to lose m-my Daddy's money and I m-miss him so m-much right now!"

"Th-the only g-g-good thing is that y-y-you're here with me!"

She turned away from him to wipe her eyes.

Kai reached out to gently cup her chin and turn her face toward him again. With his thumb he wiped a tear from her cheek.

The moment felt right to him. He leaned over the tray to bring his face close to hers. His lips tenderly touched hers for a brief moment before he pulled away to determine her reaction.

Her blue eyes shone in the lantern light. She placed her hand on the back of his neck and drew him close again. Her lips lingered on his to let him know she wanted more of his comfort.

Passion began to ignite within him as he inhaled her sweet strawberry scent.

He momentarily sat up and, with one sweep of his forearm, brushed the tin cups and tray onto the floor, where they landed with a clatter.

Their eyes locking in a steady gaze, he encircled his arm behind her shoulders and used his upper body to gently guide her backward to rest on the bed, his face remaining mere inches from hers.

She wrapped her arms around him, giving him permission to explore her lips as much as he wanted.

Soon the squalor of their surroundings was forgotten in the sweet exchange of affection.

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