Chapter 8 - Early Sunday Morning for Sam

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Chapter 8 - Early Sunday Morning for Sam

Sam said good night to Zane and closed the door to her room and locked it.

She was unnerved by the news that Kai had told her during his 'kidnapping' of her.

In spite of her worry, however, her heart fluttered at the thought that the handsome brown-haired cowboy from Garmadon Ranch cared for her so much, even though they had just met each other a few hours earlier. It made her feel better that he would be at the church to protect her.

Suddenly she thought of a way to protect herself, if the circumstance presented itself.

After a few minutes of planning, she returned to her bed. It was difficult for her to go back to sleep, but finally she did.

Sam woke to the sound of the click of her door being unlocked by a key. The door slowly opened.

The only other person who would have a key besides herself would be...


The doorway filled up with his tall, menacing figure. He was carrying a glass of clear liquid. Behind him stood Bansha, carrying a package wrapped in brown paper.

"Mr. Morro, I am indecent," Sam protested as she held the bedcover up to her chin.

"I just need to talk to you, Sam," Morro said, entering the room, with Bansha following. He closed the door behind them. Sam gripped the bedcover tighter.

"An hour ago I found Archer hog tied in the stable next door. He said the Garmadon Ranch boys did that to him after he found you and that hothead cowboy, Kai, together. What were you doing out there with him?"

Sam swallowed hard and started out by telling the truth. "I went into the outhouse, and when I came out, Kai grabbed me from behind and dragged me to the stable."

"Then Archer showed up after Kai knelt down and professed his love for me," she concluded. That part about Kai maybe wasn't so true, but she wouldn't have minded if it were. She certainly wasn't going to admit to Morro the true reason for Kai's visit - to warn her about the potion that was undoubtedly in the glass Morro was holding.

Morro thought for a moment. He seemed to believe her story. "That must have been traumatic for you to be seized like that in the middle of the night," he said. "I thought you might need something to help calm your nerves, so I brought you this special drink I made." He watched her closely for her reaction.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Morro. It was indeed a traumatic night," Sam agreed. As she sat up in the bed for the purpose of drinking the liquid, the heavy bedcover began to slide down, exposing her bare shoulders.

"Oh dear, how am I going to drink this?" Sam questioned. "Maybe if I put the cover over my head to keep it in place, and then you hand me the glass, then I'll be able to drink it." She put the cover over her head and held out her hand to receive the drink.

"Blondes," muttered Morro as he handed the glass to her.

The glass disappeared under the bedcover. Five seconds later, it reappeared, empty. He took back the glass and studied Sam to see what she would do next.

Sam lay back on her pillow. "That was very nice of you, Mr. Morro."

Suddenly they heard shouting and pounding from the room next door.

"Let me out, you big oaf!" Nya yelled from inside her room.

Archer could then be heard to say from outside her room, "Nope! You have to stay in there for one more hour!"

"Whoa, things are really swirling around here," Sam gasped, putting a hand to her head.

Then she giggled. "Nya's right. Archer is an oaf!"

Her expression suddenly turned serious. "And he's scary. Last night he said he was going to kill Kai."

Morro raised his eyebrows. "I'm going to have to talk to him about that," he replied.

"By the way, Mr. Morro, has anyone ever told you that you're quite the dashing figure?"

Morro stifled a chuckle. Sam was indeed starting to behave strangely. "I've been told that on one or two occasions."

She pointed a finger at him. "Any girl would be lucky to catch you."

"Would you want to catch me?" he asked.

"Very much so." She tried to get up but fell backward on her pillow.

"Wanna get married today?" he said with a grin.

"Suuurrrre," she smiled.

Morro turned to Bansha. "Show her the dress."

Bansha unwrapped the brown paper package to reveal a beautiful white beaded gown.

"Oooh, it's pretty," Sam exclaimed. "For me?"

"Just for you!" Morro answered.

"Verrrry nice!" Sam said, and started humming.

Morro was satisfied that the potion was taking effect on Sam. He turned to Bansha and said, "Put the dress on her and have her ready at 10:45. I'll be by to get her and bring her to the church."

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