Chapter 7 - Sunday at 5:00 am

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Chapter 7 - Sunday at 5:00 am

"Um, how long have you boys been here?" Kai asked as Cole pulled him out of the water trough with one arm while still pointing his gun at Archer with the other.

"Oh, quite a spell," Cole breezily answered. "We decided not to butt in right away 'cause we were having fun watching you tussle with ol' Archer. Wanna help us truss him up?"

Kai glared at the creepy hired gunman. "Gladly."

"We probably should get Miss Sam back up to her room," Zane interjected. "I don't think Morro would be too happy to find out she was in our company."

"You're right, Zane," Kai agreed, attempting to wring water out of his shirt. "I guess you'll have to escort her upstairs, 'cause I'm too wet. But let me talk to her for just one minute outside. In the meantime, start trussin' him."

Sam was still standing in the corner, holding the dagger and watching what was going on. Kai smiled and held his arm out to her, indicating it was safe for her to come over.

"Let's go outside and talk for a minute, then Zane'll take you back upstairs," Kai said, motioning to the cowboy in the white kerchief. Zane tipped his hat in greeting.

Kai took the dagger out of Sam's hand. Then, with his free hand grasping hers, he led her outside the stable, still dripping wet.

"I wanted to talk to you outside because I didn't want Archer to hear what we're saying," Kai explained. "I wish I could go to the Sheriff with what I found out, but my source doesn't want the law to know. I guess I can't do much to protect you from the potion, but I'll be at the church to prevent you from saying 'I do' to that lying sack of cow dung."

"I really appreciate that, Kai," Sam said. "You've been so sweet to me, and we haven't even known each other for twelve hours. You even put your life in danger for me. Thank you for your chivalry."

She leaned in close to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Kai gave her a lopsided grin after she had pulled away.

"You're welcome," he replied, feeling slightly dizzy.

"See you at the church," she smiled.

"Take care," he smiled back, then he reluctantly let go of her hand and went back inside to let Zane know it was time to escort her back to her room.

He saw that Archer was already all trussed up, which was no surprise, considering that the Garmadon Ranch boys were known throughout the county for their superior cowboy skills.

"What should we do with him, boys?" Cole asked as he brushed his hands together after tying the last knot.

"I got a suggestion about what you can do," Archer sneered as he spit at them.

"Oooh, I have a feeling that's not a gentlemanly suggestion, Archer," Jay chided him. "My suggestion is to leave you here the rest of the night. I'm sure someone will find you at daybreak or thereabouts."

"I like that suggestion," Kai agreed. "Oh, and by the way, Archer, here's your dagger." He threw the weapon in the nearest water trough.

The cowboys laughed as they walked out of the stable, leaving Archer to swear at them.

Zane rejoined them upon returning from the second floor balcony.

"Miss Sam is safely back in her room," he reported. "I checked the other girls' doors, and they are safely locked in, too, so Miss Nya is all right, too."

"Thanks, Zane," Kai and Jay responded simultaneously.

"So, boys, what made you follow me?" Kai asked as his fellow ranch boys mounted their horses.

"Well, pardner," Jay explained, "after you and Mr. Wu got back to the ranch and we all turned in for the night, I heard your horse snort and I didn't figure you were saddling him up just to go to the outhouse. So I got the boys up, and off we went after you."

"So you followed me to Doc Julien's? And heard our conversation?"

"Yep, and we want to defeat that son of a barnswallow, too," Cole said as he steered his horse in the direction of Kai's horse, tied up half a block down.

"The way I see it at this point, we can stop Sam from saying 'I do' at the altar. If she doesn't say that, the marriage won't be legal," Kai said as he walked alongside the others' horses.

At this point, they reached the spot where Kai's horse was standing. As Kai untied and mounted, the ranch hands noted that the eastern sky was brightening. Dawn was approaching.

"Well, I reckon we won't be getting any more sleep now. We'll have to make two pots of coffee when we get back," Cole observed.

As they began to ride back to Garmadon Ranch, Kai commented, "Gonna be an interesting morning, for sure!"

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