Chapter 10 - Sunday at 11:00 am

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Chapter 10 - Sunday at 11:00 am

The music finished playing when Morro and Sam reached the altar. Sam's lurching and tripping was causing a ripple of murmuring throughout the congregation, so much that Morro had to address it.

"Don't worry, folks. The bride got really nervous this morning and took a bit too much, uh, medication for her nerves. But she'll be fine. I'm sure all you married folk sitting here were nervous at your ceremony, too."

Chuckles could be heard throughout the pews. Kai rolled his eyes at the way Morro was schmoozing with the crowd.

Pastor Neuro spoke next. "Dearly beloved, let us come together today with heartfelt joy to witness the joining of Mr. Morro and Miss Borg in matrimony."

He continued. "Love has gathered us here together to witness the vows."

With those words, Kai suddenly felt like a ton of coal had just been dumped on him. Perhaps the pastor's sentence was intended to have a slightly different meaning, but Kai realized that love had indeed brought him here today. Love for a kind, beautiful young woman.

Pastor Neuro continued on with the ceremony. There would be a few more minutes before the part where vows were said. Kai pondered his thoughts as he stared at the beautiful girl in the white dress.

Pastor Neuro finally reached the part where vows were said.

"Do you, P.K. Morro, take Samantha Borg to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do you part?"

"I do," Morro said with a firm voice, looking at Sam. Kai didn't like the look in his eyes. It wasn't a look of love, or lust, for that matter.

It was a look of someone who desired to totally possess another.

Kai slowly reached for his gun in the inner pocket of his coat.

"Do you, Samantha, take P.K. Morro to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do you part?"

Suddenly, Sheriff Lloyd burst through the church door with his gun drawn, followed by Deputy Dareth, who also was armed. Doc Julien walked in behind them.

"Morro, you're under arrest for illegal purchase of a potion." Lloyd shouted. "Doc Julien confessed to selling it to you. Come with me quietly, and no one will get hurt."

"Sorry, but no!" Morro suddenly reached for Sam and pressed her back against him, pinning her arms, as he drew his gun and held it to her head.

Gasps and screams were heard around the room.

Kai stood up with the intent to draw his gun, but sleep deprivation slowed his reflexes. Archer was the faster draw and aimed his weapon at Kai.

Kai shouted, "Morro, whenever you want female companionship, you usually just buy it. Why do you need to marry Sam?"

"She's not just companionship, you saphead! She's worth a million dollars!"

As murmurs rumbled through the crowd, Kai looked at Sam.

Her blue eyes told him it was true.

"I had a background check done on her. Her daddy was Cyrus Borg, the late president of the Borg Train Supply Company. He made a fortune selling equipment to railroad companies."

"And I intend to get my hands on that money!"

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