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Christine's pov.

After Anna calmed down we celebrated Daniella's and destiny's birthday it was fun getting to know ella around 8 ana gets a call and I listen to the one sided conversation" Anastasia steel talking.... What do you mean I thought you fixed the problem.... OK have the jet ready very in ten." She says"you gotta go don't you" Ella asks " yes sweetie sorry I wish I didn't have to but I am needed I know we always go shopping so here ask your father or Taylor to take you to the mall. Also here is destiny money.love you sweetie I should be home in a week make sure destiny takes her medication. Christian get destiny and Teddy out of the room ask Taylor to take you it's up to you if they stay with you or not"Anna say getting her phone "Prescott get the car ready and make sure my emergency go bag is in there drop me off at the airport my security team should be there already" Anna says hanging up the phone" the kids will stay with me  at the house do I need to know anything"I ask " I have our schedule dad it's pretty much the same unless we have a doctor's appointment or something else. "Destiny says handing me a piece of paper" why does it say instrument lessons you guys already play one" I ask "I made a deal with them they learn to play three instruments and they don't have to do a club after school Ella is the only one with out a teacher yet because I couldn't find a good piano teacher if you want you can start looking. Just make sure destiny does the violin lessons she likes to skip them and Prescott doesn't stay with her at all times apparently it's not her job to babysit even though it is to make sure she and Ella are safe. Don't trust Prescott while I am gone I will be in new York if you need anything call Ella while you are at the house I want you to go through your clothes keep some at your Dads place just in case. Oh and Christian take them to see there sister I was supposed to but I can't" Anna says running out "Anna you forgot your heels"Kate says running after her "OK let's head over to your guys house so you and destiny can get ready by the way what does your mom do to punish you guys" I say" punishment room destiny is in there more then me so it's known as her old room our room has everything we love to do the punishment room only has books and paper. Just take away our electronics if needed for destiny it's better if she says with you while she is being punished she has ways of getting electronics just make sure she is never alone with electronics also"Ella says and we leave. When we get to the house I realize it's right next door Ella opens the door and we head up stairs "dad can you see if mom went into her office because the door is to be closed and locked when it's empty" Ella says"she didn't need to come here she had Prescott get the car and her go bag"I say she walks in and gasps dad call mom tell her that he's back she will know what your talking about.. CONNOR GET THE SECURITY TEAM UP HERE" Ella says so I call Anna

(Phone call)

Ana- hello Christian is everything alright.

Christian- Ella told me to call you and tell you he's ba who is he

Ana- he is my old boss you remember him well he got out about four years ago and came after me his main focus are the children he wants to know were Theodore and Phoebe is I called the police and he disappeared if he's back then he won't stop how do you know"

Christian- your office door was unlocked and open Ella said when it's empty it's always locked.

Ana- how did he get through Connor our head of security and Prescott

Christian I don't know but Ella called for Connor before I called you he hasn't shown up.

Ana- can you spear someone from your security team to deal with this have Taylor get the children to your mother's house if you want to be near the house I gotta go. Christian keep the kids safe.

(End of phone call)

"Ella go with Taylor, Taylor take the kids to my parents house then come back here call the security team. Ella were is Connors office" I ask "yes sir" Taylor says"Connors office is down the stairs passed the dinning room and it's the second door to the left it should say security office on the door"Ella says leaving with Taylor. Right now all I care about are the kids safety. I hope this all goes well and we can be a happy family again.

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