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Christian's pov.

I was in my office working when my phone rang so I picked it up.

(Phone call)

Christian- Christian grey speaking

Anna - hey Christian it's me I don't have a lot of time just called to see how everything is going with Ella

Christian- she is sleeping has been for 6 hours know I am more worried about destiny did my mom call you at all

Anna- the only time she called was to let me know destiny was at the hospital for more tests and that she would call if it's serious. There not back yet.

Christian- no and I don't want to wake Ella and rush down there Teddy stayed with Phoebe and the security team is at your house. So no one is here to make sure she is safe.

Anna- you don't have to wake her up she is a deep sleeper you can change her and pick her up if you think she might wake up there's a recording on her phone it's you playing the lolliby you created for Teddy and Phoebe I recorded it just in case. She won't wake up as long as that's playing I had to do it hundreds of times with both twins. Just be careful with the way you hold her the best way would be bridal style just make sure her head is on your shoulder there should be something I made for this case in their book bags just put it on your shoulder and you will be fine.

Christian- anything else

Anna- nope hey did you see Phoebe I was wondering how she was doing.

Christian- I saw her right after school ended she is doing great she woke up. For a couple of minutes the doctors said she might be a little out of it and sleep a lot for awhile she did ask for you though but I didn't say anything because she fell asleep again.

Anna- I will be home before tomorrow I cut it short after your mom called I am actually on my way to the jet as we speak I will call when I land to see if you are still at the hospital by the way I just picked up Mia do you have any idea what your sister was doing in new York.

Christian- according to mom she was shopping with friends why where did you find her.

Anna- in an alleyway about to be raped my security team saved her. Nothing happened but I think she is in shock she hasn't talked since. I guess her friends left her because she was alone I think she got lost.

Christian- what were you doing I thought you had a problem to fix and I am sure she is fine just give her some time.

Anna- it was near my new York office and the guys were from my legal department Prescott said their back round checks were clean. It was my mistake to believe her.

Christian- is the problem handled

Anna- no apparently Mia wasn't the only one the guys attacked so i closed the office it will take months to reevaluate all of my staff in the new York office plus find people to replace the guys and find better security and I can't be away from the kids for months so the problem won't be fixed until next year. Plus we just expanded the business to fashion and just opened a new store in new York that has 12 works so it's going to be longer.

Christian- I can help I got a new security team that reevaluates my staff when needed extensive background checks,exstencive interviews and they stay and help get everything running smoothly they don't have a job right now I can send them to new York to get the office and store running smoothly and plus it might be done in a month do you won't lose money.

Anna- are you sure you don't need them

Christian- they have asked for more work for weeks I was going to lend them out to my brother but he doesn't need them so I will lend them to you all they need is promotion to do everything they need to, your number and a list of your staff. And when they are done they will give you 3 lists and you decide what to do according to the lists.

🏰 A Big MisunderstandingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon