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Ella's pov.

When I got to school I was 30 min. Early so knowing how destiny gets when missing school I grabbed her schedule out of my bag and went to all of her teachers to ask them to get a folder of what they will be doing in class today because destiny is in the hospital and hates missing school work and I would pick it up after school I was lucky my mother made sure we each go a copy of each others schedules just in case this happens  I was just heading to my since class when the principal stopped me " hello sir is there a problem because I have three more teachers to go to so destiny doesn't have a panicked attack when she wakes up " I asked" your mother just called me and told me about destiny she also wanted to let me know that your father's body guard will pick you up after school so you can finish your entry for wensday and because of your sister being in the hospital I thought you would like to go see her during lunch time I have your parents approval to drive you to the hospital  if you would like to visit her " the principal says" thanks for the thoughtful offer but destiny would want me to have the time to finish my entry for the contest and I asked the since teacher if I could use the since lab at lunch time to finish it I have lots of updated plans to add to it and that's really time consuming " I say " of course have a good day today" the principal says and walks away while I go finish my task before school starts.

Taylor's pov.

I was still at Anna's place trying to get everything set up and finished when Christian texted me asking me to pickup Ella so she has the time to finish her project for the contest  after school so around 2:40 I left Anna's place and went to the school waiting for Ella to come out " hello mr.taylor"  Ella says" hello Ella you can just call me Taylor so how's your contest entry going" well if destiny didn't mess with the wiring before she went to the hospital I would have been done already but she's made a mess of things I don't know what to do" Ella says how far have you got so far" I ask " I was able to get it to move but that's it " Ella says" what's it supposed to do " I ask " find your keys and bags you lost luckily the other part is ok but  if it can't determine what key chain is what number then I am in trouble" Ella says " well why don't you work on it at your dad's place teddy is there to watch you and I think your mother might be there also " I say " ok thanks Taylor " Ella says getting into the car and I drive back to the house. When we get there Anna is out side waiting for us " thanks Taylor " anna says " your welcome how's destiny" I ask " she's doing ok  Christan is with her right now " Anna say

Ella's pov.

When I got out of the car I went into dad's and tried to fix what destiny destroyed. When I couldn't get it I went to find mom" mom can you call dad  and tell him I can't do the contest" I ask" why you were so happy to do it " mom asks "last night before she went to the hospital destiny messed with the wiring I tried everything my project is ruined and I don't have the time to start over she was mad because I got those glasses we both wanted and she didn't" I say" no Ella you are doing the contest your finished with your phone finder right" mom asks " yes I finished it this morning but I have to type and make copies of it and I need a phone to use I don't have time and  I can't type that fast and I have 8 papers to type" I say " ok then give me 4 of them I will type them for you  while you type the others your father might help also I will call and see for you while you get started" mom says " ok thanks mom " I say going back into dad's office to start typing everything mom got me and destiny a laptop to share but after destiny got mad at me and deleted all my work mom had to buy another one just for me while with destiny she can only use hers with Mom around I can use mine when I am alone I don't use the internet that much  so mom trusts me to not go on certain sites  by dinner time I had half a page done. " Ella give me two of the other papers your dad said he can type them up for you and you can use his phone for your presentation " can't believe desiny did that it took me months to get all of the Materials and it close to a year to make it and it was my favorite invention" I say "was it the little robot you made to find keys or bags" mom asks " yes and it was great I added a GPS and blue tooth component to it I had it finished and was just going over my presentation but when I got back from the hospital it was completely distroyed I thought I would test it one last time but it didn't move or flash lights it just made sounds that wasn't even right it wouldn't even connect to Bluetooth  know I have to start all over again" I say " I will get you all of the materials you need and destiny will be helping you re build it as a punishment before she starts on a new project" mom says" ok thanks mom I really appreciate the help to bad I can't procent it as my contest entry" I say " no matter what invention you use you will be great you are really talented" mom says" thanks mom did you find me a piano teacher yet " I ask " your dad and I talked and until we decided you grandfather and your father will be teaching you you will start your lessons next Friday for now just enjoy your weekend I am going to take you shopping tomorrow and instead of the mall like usual we will go to the electronic store and you can pick out two things " mom says" but what about your $200 limit" I ask" Ella I know when I don't take you shopping and you two go grandma destiny takes most of your money and you can't get what you want I also know you just let it go so you get to pick out two electronics tomorrow and when we go to the mall with your sister your limet will be $300 your a really good sister to destiny and she's been stepping all over you it stops now and I am just repaying all of the birthday presents you couldn't get do to your sister " mom says" maybe I will get destiny those glasses " I say. " Ella no it's your money " mom says" it doesn't matter destiny will just destroy all of my inventions if I  don't use half my money on her she thretened me when we were 6 and I know she will do it because she did it before this will be the forth time I rebuild the finder bot because of destiny" I say" so you have only got $100 every year while you're sister got more" mom asks" not really when we go shopping with Grandma carla I only spend $20 while destiny gets the rest it's one of the reasons I do what I do because I can't get what I really want when we do our birthday shopping so I work to get what I want through out the year destiny hates the limit and wanted more money so when we go with you she tells me what to get when you aren't looking when we go with Grandma carla she makes me tell her I only want to spend $20 and that she can have the rest" I say " I will calculate everything you deserve and make sure you get it and then I will up your limit to $400 and destiny's limit will be $100 and no more of destiny taking the money from you I am sure your father can have two rooms set just for your invitations I will talk to him when he gets home tonight " mom says " ok I am going to finish typeing and get to bed " I say " ok night sweetie oh and your rooms next to your dad's " mom says" ok thanks" I say walking to dad's office to finish what I need to finish.

Anna's pov.

Around 9:00 Christan came home " guess what destiny has been doing to Ella since they were 6 years old" I say " what " Christan asks on their birthday I give them a $200 limit to spend on what ever they want well Ella told me that destiny thretened to distroy her inventions if she doesn't get half the money but when my mother takes them shopping Ella can only spend $20 because destiny makes Ella give her the rest of the money I was going to take Ella to the electronic store and have her pick two things to make up for it but after hearing this and how she sacrificed not getting what she wanted with out working for it just so she didn't have to make all of her inventions again I  have to calculate to see how much money she didn't get  so she gets it this year but she needs two rooms ready that she lock and only Taylor, Gail,you, Ella and I have the keys to do her hard work is safe the second one is a work room I know Ella probably left the finder bot in the corner of your office so she can take it apart and recycle the materials " I say " I was going to talk to you about adding two hundred to the birthday money from me " Christian says " we can do that but I don't think destiny deserves to get 200 I changed the amount to 100 while Ella gets 400 " I say " how about destiny gets 110 while I figure something else out for Ella " Christan says" perfect there is one thing Ella has been trying to work at the office so she could save up for college  she says she wants to pay for college her self " I say " so I can give her 300 for her college fond for her birthday every year" Christan says" ya that will work I should go start caculateing so I know how more I am going to need to spend tomorrow " I say " ok good night Anna oh and mom says pheope will be able to come home tomorrow" Christen says " that great night Christian" I say and we go our separate ways

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