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Ella's pov.

When mom got back I was all set to go so I waited outside for her" ready to go" mom asks " yes " I say getting in the car next to her " so what did you and your father do today we are breakfast and while he was checking emails I was practiceing for wensday then we went to visit destiny and pick up pheope" I say" you didn't do anything with teddy "mom asks " I haven't seen him since he dropped me of at school yesterday" I say"he might be hanging out with friends or something  do you know what you want" mom asks " I was thinking a compostable DVD player and an iPad  I really want a new laptop so I don't have to worry about my diagrams being destroyed but I thought maybe I should wait until am a little older" I say " we'll see about the laptop later" mom says" ok oh and I hope you don't mind but I put your files away and organized your desk " I say" thanks Ella" mom says when we get to the store we walked in " you go and pick up your things your father wants me to pick something up for him I will find you when I am done" mom says And i go towards the iPads and look at them

Anna's pov.

Christian wanted me to pick something up for Ella and destiny's birthday because he decided to do the money next year because it's possible they might Win a scholarship on wensday so when we go to the store I went to the laptops "excuse me but could you help me please I need a laptop that can be used to draw on with a styalyst my daughter is an inventor but she also dose children stories, clothing design, and records music the laptop needs to be able to accommodate all of her activities" i ask an employee " I have just the laptop it just came out but it's perfect for creative people " the employee says " great thank you I also need a camcorder, and TV " I say " how many of each " the employee asks " three camcorders, one laptop and I one tv " I say " ok any specific comcorders and tv " the employee asks" I need a smart TV and the best camcorder you have  and could you please have them delivered to this address please" I say handing the address over " of course so that will be $1,400 " the employee says " ok the laptop and one of the camcorders are being payed with this card and the rest on this card " I say handing the employee two credit cards one Christian's and the other one is mine " ok thank you shopping here your order should arrive on Monday " the employee says " thanks " I say going to find Ella when I found tripods in different colors so I picked up three of them in the girls favorite colors "mom can you help me" Ella says when I walk up to her with the cart " sure what's up" I am having a hard time deciding which one to get this one is smaller but it doesn't come with a sylest and my drawing app isn't capable with this one but it's cheaper this one's a newer model and has everything I need but it's bigger than I wanted' Ella says" well we can get both and you can decide which one is better I need a new iPad anyway so which ever one you don't want I will take " I say " ok thanks mom I already got a compostable DVD player it's a newer model and it's in my favorite color I am just worried about destiny I got it so I could watch all of my recored after school classes in the car so I can see what I believe needs to be changed or fixed "  Ella says "Ella this is your birthday presents if you wanted something that like this for your classes I would have gotten it a while ago " I say " I know but I wouldn't have had to work for it " Ella says" ok how about this we get the comportable DVD player and then I can get get something for the car that way destiny won't Champlain about not having on " I say " ok  " Ella says as we walk up to the counter to pay for the things before leaving  " I also got Ella some DVDs and a case to keep them in.  When we get back to the house I go to talk to Christen while  Ella set's her things up. " We need to talk about what to do about destiny she needs to be punished because I don't know how much of the things she's been doing she meant or was because of the pressure on her brain " I say as I walk into his office " well there's a room in the basement I was going to turn it into a man cave but we could turn it into a punishment room it has a bathroom and a mini fridge." Christian says " ok yeah let's do that she can be in there for two months  only going out for school and her music lessons " I say " ok then I will have it started tomorrow so what did you get the girls" Christan asks "  for Ella I got her a new laptop because she has way more hopies than destiny and she can barely do them on the one she has for destiny I got her a camcorder  that's what you paid for I got a camcorder for pheope and Ella and a tripod for all of them and a TV for Ella's work room  all of it should arrive on Monday except for the tripods they are in the car " I say " ok I will have Taylor get them out of your car and let him know of the dalivary" Christan says " ok oh and there's no school on Monday and I have a meeting in New York so I leave early Monday morning" Ella can come into the office with me  I am sure she won't mind and if she wants I can teach her some things about owning a business" Christan says and we go our separate ways

Ella's pov.

After seeing my things up I go to pheopes room with my DVD player so we can spend some time together. That's what most of the weekend consisted of spending time with pheope, dad and mom  as teddy had to get back to college a few days early and didn't even tell anyone that he was leaving. We would visit destiny who worked on her contest entry at the hospital after I let her borrow my magnifying glasses and brought her things to the hospital. We can't wait till Wednesday but I can't wait till Monday because dad told me that since he was needed in the office even though he took a week off I would go with him since I don't have school and that he would teach me about owning a business. I am happy to have my mom and dad but I hope they fix there marriage soon so destiny and I can go by grey instead of Steele

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