24 3 2

"So guys, we're taking a break. We love YouTube and we love all of you guys, but we need a small break, we promise that it won't be permanent, as soon as we get back, we'll be better than ever. We just need to move away from our crazy world for a bit." Grayson explained as Ethan nodded in agreement.

"It'll be hard not posting every Tuesday as we've done it for so long, but it's needed and we'll still be on social media for you so we can still socialise." Ethan added, before they both smiled, waving at the camera before ending the video.

Tears streamed down my face at the news. I didn't want to go a single Tuesday without seeing their faces yet I also knew that it was needed and they needed it to improve their health.

With shaking hands, I opened my laptop and opened twitter, immediately tagging the twins in my new tweet. "I hope the twins take their time and leave for as long as they need. This break should be for them, and should be a time for them to relax and renew. I love you both!"

After tweeting, I got some likes straight away from friends I'd made in group chats. I didn't have a massive follower count but I had loyal friends who liked everything I posted. I'd been wanting to meet two of my internet friends for the longest time, Sophia and Lexi. The three of us were extremely close and we promised that we'd meet up one day.

As I scrolled through my timeline, I saw that many people agreed yet the fake fans were also beginning to show, calling the twins selfish and pathetic for needing a break. I blocked those people straight away.

Closing the website, I pulled on my merch hoodie and pyjama bottoms, walking downstairs, and joining my family for dinner.

Rolling his eyes, my brother scoffed, "You look like a hobo, I'm tired of seeing you in those. Dress properly for once, in normal clothes."
He didn't understand my obsession with these boys, no one did. I once did a whole presentation on them at school but I only received blank stares, they didn't know who they were. Our town was behind on a lot of things but I hadn't realised that they were so behind that they didn't know the Dolan twins! It blew my mind.

"At least I watch real people who actually make a respectable living. What were those magazines called that you hid in your underwear draws? Playboy was it?" I smirked as my mother turned to Nate in horror. He glared at me before turning to my mother with a red face.
"I'm a guy, sue me..." He mumbled as she began to lecture him on the importance of respecting woman.

As my mom continued the lecture, I dug in the macaroni and cheese that was steaming on the table, I couldn't let it get cold just because the rest of my family wasn't eating just yet, that would be ridiculous.

As I savoured the delicious meal that my mother had cooked, I stared at the empty seat across from me, where my father would usually sit. He'd sit by Nate and talk football, every so often diverting his attention to me so I wasn't left out. He'd lost his job six months ago, and since he hadn't any skills for another, he joined the army. He sent letters but they often took a while for us to receive them, meaning that we couldn't reply. We'd seen him twice in the past 6 months.

I hadn't realised that my mother had stopped talking until I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to look at her and she smiled sadly at me, knowing exactly how I felt. When she had heard the news that he was leaving, she was completely heartbroken. The first month we had spent fending for ourselves as she sat in the old rocking chair, staring out of the window and not saying a word. It was hard and Nate had to resolve to stealing a few times but one day, she snapped and out on a brave face, continuing as though she was fine. For that, I admired her.

Nate looked at me also, although we fought more than any other siblings could possibly fight, we were still close and he didn't like seeing my upset. It hurt him too, it was strange but at least I knew that he'd always be there for me.

I didn't like sympathy though, even from my own family so I pushed down my emotions and began to eat again, smiling at my mother as best I could. "This is amazing mom!" She smiled at my compliment and kissed my cheek before eating her own.

We didn't really talk much during dinner, but it didn't matter because we were more bothered about the food than making awkward conversation. Sometimes someone had a lot to say so we all listened to that person but when no one needed to say anything, the silence was calming and welcomed by us.

I excused myself once I'd eaten and placed my plate in the dishwasher and I ran up to my room to begin my homework. Our maths teacher Mr. Olzanski had set us homework, but if I was being completely honest, I didn't mind.

Mr Olzanski was our Spanish maths teacher and he was also one of the nicest teachers at our school. He barely set us homework but when he did, he customised each sheet to something of our interest. Polly usually had a candy themed question sheet, with questions including all her favourite candies. I was ecstatic to see that mine had been based on the Dolan twins. The aim of the themed questions was to keep us interested and it definitely worked.

If Grayson bought 4 adult cinema tickets for £28 and Ethan bought 3 adult tickets and 1 child ticket for £26, how much do child tickets cost?
I smiled, knowing exactly what to do and I already imagined the scenario in my head, deciding who the twins bought tickets for.

I'd just finished answering the question when my phone began blowing up with twitter notifications. I raised my eyebrows and quickly opened the app, seeing lots of notifications of people congratulating me on my recent tweet. My heart began to beat heavier and as I continued scrolling down my notifications, my heart stopped.
Grayson Dolan liked your Tweet.

I wanted to scream yet I knew that my mother and brother would be annoyed to find out the reason so instead, I got up from my bed and danced crazily in silence.
"Yes yes yes yes!" I cheered quietly, flopping back onto my bed and reading the notification over and over again.

He finally noticed me!

A/n: hey guys! Thank you for reading this chapter! I can't wait to write more of this. I'm so excited, I've had this idea for a while now and I'm not exactly sure where I'm going to take it but I want to make it as interesting as possible for you all! I hope you enjoy!

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