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I can't believe he liked your post! Bitch!
I laughed at Lexi's message, I couldn't really believe it myself, it was insane. I was still getting my head around it. As I typed out a reply to Lexi, I heard a van pull up outside. Someone must be moving into next door. It had been on sale for months now but nobody had bought it due to it being extremely expensive. So, being as nosy as I am, I decided to take a look at my new neighbours.

Watching them get out of the van, I could tell they were good looking, dark chestnut hair, chiselled features from what I could tell and one had a dangly earring. No...

I watched as they emptied the van, praying for one of them to turn around so I could be assured that I wasn't right, I couldn't be right! No one's heard of our town, especially not world sensation YouTube stars!

I opened my window slightly to hear what they were saying and almost fell from the window ledge as one of them shouted to the other.
"Grayson! I swear, if you break my Xbox, I will murder you, I wanna play fortnite."
It was them... surely I was dreaming...

I continued to stare in awe as my favourite people in the entire world, continued to move in the house next door. That means they'd be at my school! I honestly think I knew them more than they even knew themselves, I could definitely make the most out of this. No one else knew who they were. But me?
I knew their full names, birthday, how many minutes between them, their dream girl, their pet peeves and even their first kiss.

Waiting until half an hour after they moved in, I decided to go out. Their favourite food was pizza and since living here, which had been my entire life, I'd discovered that there was only one good pizza place. There were two others, but they were disgusting, especially since the good place was amazing.

Mustering up all my courage, I knocked on the door. My palms were sweating and my hands were curled into fists at my sides, should I let them know I'm a fan or should I pre-

"Hi." My thoughts were cut off when I heard Ethan's voice. He was stood shirtless before me, an Xbox controller in his hand as he looked at me with a slight smirk on his face.
"H-hi... I saw you m-moved in and thought you might b-be hungry... we can get p-pizza." I stuttered, cursing myself for being so nervous.
Ethan however, seemed unfazed and nodded happily at the mention of pizza.
"Sure but just so you know, we can't just go out with strangers, we at least need to know your name." He said, raising his eyebrows as me as I actually struggled to remember my own name.

"Aubrey..." I smiled, absorbing his breath-taking beauty.
"I'm Ewan, I have a twin called George." Ethan said as I struggled not to be confused, but then I remembered, they wanted a break from all fame.
"Okay, are we leaving now then?" I smiled, feeling proud of myself when I saw Ethan relax, he looked so much better like that.
"Yeah. GEORGE!" Ethan shouted, biting his lip nervously until Grayson came bounding down the stairs, not questioning the wrong name.

"What's up?" He asked, acknowledging me, giving me a slight nod. He was breathless and also shirtless yet his abs were dripping with sweat and it took all I had not to drool. He looked amazing.
"This is Aubrey, she wants to show us a pizza place." Ethan explained as Grayson nodded happily.
"I love pizza!"

Quickly pulling on a shirt and wiping his face with a towel, he walked out as I scrunched my nose up slightly in disgust.
"Aren't you going to shower?"
He winked at me, "Showering can wait, pizza is my top priority." He laughed as I rolled my eyes playfully, he was exactly the same as he was in videos.

"Right, let's get going then!" I smiled, pushing aside my nerves and leading the way to the pizza parlour. It was as busy as always, nobody went to the other two, it was a surprise that they were still open. The parlour was a diner style and also sold takeout style pasta dishes that were equally as good.

I slid into a booth with them both and handed both boys a menu, staring at them slightly as they looked at each option longingly; these boys really loved pizza.

The waitress came over to take our order, she stared at the boys uninterested as Ethan ordered a pineapple pizza and Grayson ordered pepperoni. I was honestly shocked. The most attractive boys in probably the world, was sat before her and she didn't care. She then looked at me with a shy smile and it all became clear, she didn't swing that way. Good for her.

"Can I have a pistachio cannoli please with ice cream?" She smiled and nodded as the boys stared at me in horror.
"You didn't order a pizza? Are you even a normal person?" Grayson asked as I laughed at his goofiness.
"I've already ate dinner." I smiled as he shrugged, "Yeah, okay, that's okay." He smiled, speaking in a stupid voice as Ethan hit the back of his head.

"You're an idiot! I don't speak like that!" He defended as I giggled, it was pretty accurate to be honest...

I was laughing just as the food arrived and my mouth watered at the sight of my cannolis. They looked amazing! "Thank you!" I smiled at the waitress who smiled in return and walked off quickly, her cheeks red. I felt bad for her, I'd never feel the same way, maybe I could befriend her instead...

"This looks amazing!" Ethan hollered, instantly stuffing a whole slice in his mouth, his cheeks bulging from being overstuffed. I burst out laughing and Grayson watched me, smiling.
"So Aubrey, what's it like here?" Ethan asked me, suddenly serious.

"It's really quiet and low-key, hardly anyone stays up to date on internet news. It's quite friendly, I mean I'm not majorly popular like you guys will be but I'm not completely on my own."
At this, Grayson looked up at me, his eyes burning into mine, "What makes you think that Ewan and I will be popular?" He asked, searching me for any sign of recognition.
"Well you're both extremely attractive and you have good personalities. It'll be hard for people not to like you." I shrugged as Grayson nodded, satisfied at my response.

"Well luckily for you, we don't care about popularity, we care about personality, and yours is great." Ethan smiled, as I felt my cheeks flush. He was so sweet, but I knew Ethan would get along so well with the jocks, Grayson however, was more like me, maybe we could become closer...

"So Aubs, you wanna watch a film at our place?"

Were they being serious? Of course I did!

"Hmm, I don't know, I mean, you could murder me..." I chuckled, feeling pure triumph as they laughed along.

A/n; ahhh they had pizza, I actually don't like pizza, it's disgusting, #sorrynotsorry but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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