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Once the guys finished their pizza, they paid, leaving a generous tip before Grayson tugged my arm and pulled me out of the door, running down the street as I got dragged along, laughing loudly.

He dragged me all the back to their house, it was quite small, they could probably afford one of the mansions in our town, but I had to remind myself that it was only temporary. They only needed a place to crash, not live.

"Aubrey, you look extremely familiar, have we met before?" Grayson asked, staring at me intensely as the butterflies began to gently stir, he remembered me.

I had gone to their tour and attended the meet and greet, kissing both of them on the cheek as the photos got took. They were my favourite photos. I was touched that he remembered me, but I was also scared that they'd leave if they knew I was a fan, so I quickly denied.
"No... I think I'd definitely remember seeing you!" I smiled, winking before stepping into their house.

I could hear their laughter behind me and I smiled, waiting for them to lead the way to wherever we were watching the film. My fingers twitched to open up Twitter and tell Lexi and Sophia about how I was now the twins' friend. I hadn't known them very long at all but I'd already ate out with them and been to their house so to me, we were already friends. I resisted the urge though because I knew that Lexi and Sophia were big enough fans to fly out to my home town just to meet them and that's not what the twins needed.

They led me through the house to the basement where the room was full of cushions and bean bags and a huge cinema screen occupied one of the walls. I knew they were rich but I wasn't expecting this when they said that we were going to watch a film.
"How could you afford all of this?" I asked in awe, in reality, I knew how, but they didn't know that I knew.

"Oh um, we have a rich aunt." Ethan muttered, scratching the back of his head. Grayson glanced at him before looking back at me with a look holding so much intensity that it took my breath away. He was so gorgeous.
"E, I need to talk to you." He said, walking out the room with Ethan close behind.

I used the time to open Twitter and scroll through my timeline. I had a Grayson fan account, I loved both of the twins but I'm sure everyone had a lane. Quickly typing a tweet, I wrote, "imagine living in the town where the twins are taking a break!" After posting,I got the usual likes I always get with some people agreeing that it would be amazing; if only they knew that I was living the situation I'd just posted about.

Thankfully, the twins couldn't find out about my fanpage because I hadn't posted any selfies on there and Aubrey was quite a common name. I felt bad about never posting a Tuesday selfie but I was quite self conscious about my appearance so never had. The fandom seemed lovely but I never had to courage to reveal myself online.

I also quickly replied to some group chat messages, not hearing the twins come back in.
"What you doing?" Grayson asked, making me jump, almost dropping my phone.
"Oh uh, n-nothing, just on Twitter." I stuttered, thanking myself for being on the group chat with Sophia and Lexi that was called "bffs" and not "Daddy Dolans." I cringed at the thought of them finding out about that account.

"Oh you can follow Ewan and I!" Grayson smiled, "Ewan's is Ewan Dawson and mine is George Dawson."
It sounded weird hearing them call themselves anything other than their names, but I switched to my personal account and followed the both of them, smiling as I saw them follow back. It wasn't their main account but at least I got a follow from them both!

"Let's take a selfie Aubrey!" Grayson suddenly smiled, holding up his phone, waiting for Ethan to get the other side of me before we all smiled and Grayson took the snap. I then noticed him upload it on his snapchat story and my heart rate quickened. That was his real Snapchat story and no one knew it was me!

I bit my lip and quickly looked away as though I didn't notice. Grayson watched me but didn't say anything making it impossible for me to know if he knew I knew. Ethan smiled at me, pulling me down on a bean bag beside his causing Grayson to sink into one the other side of me.

"So, what film do you want to watch?" Ethan asked me smiling as I shrugged, looking at him.
"I honestly don't mind, choose whatever you want to watch, I'm down for anything." I smiled, turning my eyes back to the screen as he flicked through the films before selecting the Fault in Our Stars.
"I know most girls like this film." He explained, as I nodded suppressing an eye roll.

I didn't really like the film, it was overrated and cliche but I didn't want to disappoint the twins so I leaned back, starting to watch the film. It was only 15 minutes into the film when my yawning started and my eyes grew heavy, this film did this to me every time.

Instead of fighting it, I allowed my eyes to close but I didn't sleep, I couldn't. I soon felt a blanket being draped over me, and from listening to where the sound came from, I knew it was Grayson.

He sat back down and I felt his hand entwine with mine. At this, my heart went into override, beating so rapidly that I thought it would explode. His hands were so big and soft that I'm surprised I didn't melt.

"Dude you've only known her a couple of hours..." Ethan stated, obviously noticing what Grayson had done.

"That's enough." Was the simple reply and my heart swelled, but what did he mean?

"You'll have to tell her though... What if she changes?" Ethan asked.

"Then she changes and I'll break it off, we just need to wait and see E."

A/n; aww Gray is the cutest! I wish I could meet him! I'd actually cry! Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter!

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