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Thank you for everything! read until the bottom.
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Then... it happen.
Alaska's hands glow a dim blue light, and in a second a blue light shot out of her hands sending her crashing towards a wall. As the light hit the wall an image appear, an ice image. Alaska couldn't help but gasp this time along with everyone else. This meant bad news, really bad news.

Scott was in a between of shock and awe. Ice had shoot from her hands. HER FUCKING HANDS!

"What are you?" Stiles mumble to her, his eyes darting between her, her hands, and the ice cover wall. It was cover in a pale white, while there where 4 figures in dark blue, a small circle above them and 3 crosses next to the figures.

Alaska look panic between the four teens and older man. With a glance at the ice wall she made a run to the door, just as Derek also lash out, grabbing her wrist, making her stop.

"No!" She trash in his grip, trying to pry off. "I'm sorry!" Derek's frown, looking at her, then he felt the cold surface of the wall. He slowly slid down it, landing with a thump. His eyes look bewild as he saw his torso, cover in thin blue ice. His hands went up to touch it, it was soft and rough at the same time, like something magical.

Alaska looked at her hands, the light fading back into them. She looked up towards Scott, Stiles, Allison and Lydia; all looking amazed, fearful and angry. "Get away from us!" Lydia screech to Alaska as the ginger girl tried to advance towards them.

The ginger girl look around the room, the wall, derek cover in ice and the people she thought were different. Without thinking twice she snap her fingers, her backpack flying towards her back, her stuff along with it. With last glance at the room she open the door.

"Lunar deitatem." She told Derek and race out the room, leaving everybody in shock.

"Well, that was...AMAZING!" Stiles spoke up, a small chuckle in his voice trying to lift up the mood. Everybody glare at him, making him shrink back. "Or not."

+ + + + + + +

Niall let out another sigh as he knock on his sisters door for the 15th time. Just a few hours ago he heard the front door slam and his sister came in running at full speed, tears leaking from her eyes as she lock herself on her room.

The only escape Alaska could find was locking herself on her room with 6 cans of Starbucks refreshens, a box of donuts,2 bags of potato chips and a eight pack of Hubert's strawberry lemonade; along with her macbook pro.

"for GODS sake Niall! Stop knocking and come in!" Alaska yell irritated as her brother knock again. She had locked herself around 2 hours ago and he kept and kept knocking like a mad man, driving her insane. Niall pop his head on the doorframe, frowning as he saw Alaska on her bed, messy appearance and food packages everywhere, and her laptop playing a sad movie on Netflix.

"It can't be that *cat, can it?" Niall shook his head at his sister, making her roll her eyes and continuing to watch the movie play on the screen. She was done with everything, it was one of those days were she hated life, like any other girl.

"Look, how about you stop mopping around like a wimp and get up,change and we go and kick some ass?" Alaska look up at her brother, the word 'kick some ass' had catch her eye. She nodded, telling him to continue. "I found out that there were some kids missing and the farther I research I find out something..amazing. There are werewolves in Beacon hills."

Niall din't need to said another word his sister attention was place on him, the word werewolf had catch her attention.
"Move." Alaska push her brother off the bed, and race to walk in closet , she open the doors and look over her shoulder at her brother, "Be ready in 5. We have some wolves to catch."

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