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A/N at the end. I'm sorry about the note.
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Alaska couldn't help but groan as her call went to voicemail, again. It was the 6th time she called her brother. After two hours of watching him run off with blood drenching him from head to toe, she thought he was okay, but she was wrong. Then this intense pains started, and something happen that make her freak out, searching for her brother. 

She grab Derek's black phone and search the contacts until she reach the phone she was looking for.

"Hel-"before they could finished the sentence Alaska was already talking.
"Stiles, I need you to put Derek or who ever you are with on the phone right fucking now. I mean it." Stiles didn't wasted a second and shove his phone to Scott.

"What's wrong Alaska?" Scott heard the girl let out a hiss and the crunch of leather shifting, "I don't know..Were are you? I will meet you there in five." Scott frown and look at Derek. After the bank they decided to rest and fresh up for a bit, until Alaska call.

"At Derek's place, but are you sure you're okay? You sound weak and can barely breath."
Alaska let out a chuckle that turn into a groan. "No. I'll see you in five," 
And without another word she hang up. Scott handed the phone to Stiles, giving Derek a sigh and head shake.

"I know we don't trust Alaska a lot, but she sounded hurt, her breathing was short and sounded like she was trouble to breath, also she was shifting in her seat, the leather squeak every time she did." 

The older werewolf nodded his head trying to act uninterested and carless towards how the ginger girl was feeling, but inside he was freaking out. He wanted to pin Scott to the wall and punch him until he got an answer of why his girl wasn't feeling not okay. He was freaking out, both by Alaska's behavior and the fact she wasn't here, and also the way that in his mind he had called her his girl. It scared him that he would punch anyone who told him Alaska was injure, even if they didn't know or had the fault.

Scott groan and took of the wet towel off his face, sitting down on the leather couch of Derek's loft. He had too much on his mind right now, Boyd and Cora were on the loose, Erica was dead, Derek's suppose 'dead' sister was alive and The Mullingars' were in the middle of everything. 

The door slam open with a bang making the walls tremble and shake, startling the werewolves and the human boy.
Alaska stumble in with a hand pressed against her ribs, her other free hand was used to steed herself on the doors frame. Her white shirt was soaked in blood were her ribs were, her hair was messy, her skin was even paler than normal and her green eyes were dull and dead. She looked like she had pass through a tornado.

The guys couldn't help but gasp as Alaska stumble into the flat, tripping over the steps; making her fall. Derek ran towards her with incredible speed,catching her and carrying her tom the leather couch. She hiss and groan in pain, some tears leaking from her eyes. 
Derek could feel his heart clench and rip at the sight of the ginger's girl tears. He place her lightly on the couch and turn to the others.  

"Isaac you call Deaton, Peter bring me the first aid kid, Stiles go get me water, towels, and extra clothes from my room. Scott, you help me with Alaska." As Derek bark orders everybody race to ask what he told them to do, not because they listen to them, but because his eyes were glowing red and he looked angry and piss as hell. 

"What the hell happen to you?! Are you hurt? Does it hurt? Who did this to you?" Scott exclaim as he kneel next to Alaska on the couch. The ginger girl chuckle and pet his hair.

"I'm not sure...but thank you for worrying." Alaska was still awkward and a sarcastic girl, but she was getting more comfortable with Scott and Stiles; even if she hadn't talk to them a lot.

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