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Lindsay Hansen as Alaska Mullingar 
Connor Hill as Niall Mullingar

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"Stupid werewolves, stupid Derek, Stupid California,Stupid me," Alaska continue to mumble under her breath as she kick a small rock while she walk. After waking up in Derek's loft and listening to Stiles babble for half an hour of stupid things she decided to leave, taking the only piece of clothing she could find and decided to walk; in this case she found shorts and a white tank top, making her really cold. 

With a final kick to the rock she scream, "STUPID EVERYTHING! UGH!" She fell to her knees with her head pounding, she knew that the pain was coming from her brother being hurt, but she didn't feel it any more, meaning he was okay for now.  

Alaska's hands made contact with the ground in a strong punch, freezing the ground and making the temperature drop down. She sigh and slump against the base of a tree, she was tired. 


Isaac couldn't help but shiver as he felt a sudden change in the wind & temperature. "Is it me or it suddenly became cold?" 
The other werewolves look at him nodding their heads slowly. 

After knowing Alaska was in the look for her brother they decided to move fast, just being a few minutes from the school was a good view. They knew it was going to be empty, and they were resting for some minutes waiting to get back in 'battle'.

"Can you hear that?" Scott ask as some foots came in touch with the roof of the school. Derek and Scott quickly ran down to the boiler room ready to stop Boyd and Cora; while Isaac stay behind them guarding the door. 

​Allison took a deep breath and rose her bow,ready to shoot Boyd and Cora to make sure they went inside the building, when a feral growl echo through the woods behind the school. Allison squeak as the bus she was standing in shook a bit, making her fall on her butt; Cora and Boyd got scared of the feral growl, searching for shelter inside the school.
"Oh shit.." Scott mumble as he press his ear harder into the door that was keeping the feral werewolves inside the boiler room. To his surprise instead of two heart beats he heard three, meaning there was another person trap inside.

Derek's eyes widen and he look at Scott, his face in a deep frown, "Don't open this door until the Sun Rises." He quickly & quietly open the door, dashing inside the boiler room.

​Cora and Boyd growl in unison as they catch the sight of Derek. In a second they were attacking him with their long sharpen nails and feral growls. 

Derek held both Boyd and Cora by their shoulders, making sure they couldn't hurt him too much. 
​He could feel himself growing weak, his arms tremble and every time the claws made contact with his skin he cried inside. Then something drop in the black back corner, echoing through the silent room.

Boyd and Cora stopped focusing in the back corner of the boiler room. There was a slight growl along with another smashing. They frown and growl back, and then coward back.

Alaska growl back and step out of the shadows, her purple eyes making holes into the moon lusted werewolves; she was cover in dirt and leaves, indicating she just came out of the forest. As rose her hand and quickly shoot Cora and Boyd with ice, making them fall to the floor and growl.

Derek stare with tired eyes as he took in all of Alaska, she look like one of those heroins who appear of nowhere and save the day; she was in a thin tank top and black shorts without shoes. Her feet cover in dirt. her ginger hair with twigs in leaves and oh her eyes, oh her beautiful eyes were in a deep purple, while a golden aurora surrounded her.

Cora was the first to attack Alaska, her claws ready to slash her side but, she was too slow. Alaska caught her wrist and twirl her in the air quickly, dropping her to the floor in a painful smack. Boyd pushed Alaska against the wall, with her back to him,slashing her back quickly,making her cry in pain. She lift her leg kicking him in the stomach, turning around she grabbed his wrist and trow him over her back.

​She sigh placing her hands on her ups she turned to Derek, but before she could say anything Cora had already grab her by the ankle, tripping her backwards and into the floor. All of Alaska's breath was taken again nd she couldn't move, once again placing Derek on the same position he started, just this time, with Alaska on the floor next to him. 
Isaac continue to bubble his left leg up and down, irritating Scott more than he already was. They wanted to go inside and help derek, but they had instructions not too, and an angry Derek wasn't a pretty one. 

"You know what, fuck Derek I'm going in." Isaac spoke as he push Scott to the side, opening the big door. Both guys tumbling inside, shocked to see a bloody Derek kneeling in the floor while Boyd and Cora were on the floor unconscious. But the most shocking part was that everyones favorite ginger girl was kneeling next to Derek, her hand pressing Derek's chest trying to heal him. 

Alaska sigh in relief every time Derek's heart let out a beat. Discovering new things with her powers wasn't a surprise, so when her head told her to place her hand on his chest and think about a heart beat, she did it.

After a few seconds, both the werewolf and the ginger stood up. "Take them out of here while I get the teacher." Derek look down to Alaska, who was pressed up against his side, and smile. 

​"I ain't going nowhere. Besides, I think I'll be less scarier to the teacher." She smirk happily at him as if nothing had happen. Derek shook his head and push her forward.

"Go with them I-" She smack him in the arm and roll her eyes. "Stop being such an idiot, besides I'm not that ​*gammy."

Derek's eyebrows shoot upwards, confusing twisting his face so hard that it made the ginger laugh. "It's irish slang you*gowl!"
Once again Derek growl and grab the ginger girl squeezing her into a hug.

Alaska plastered a genuine small smile into her face as she approach the shaking teacher. Mrs. Blake was shaking like a leaf, and when she saw her she squeak like a lil mouse. 

"Hey Mrs.Blake. Do you remember me?" The teacher nod and Alaska praised the lord in her mind. She extended her hand towards Mrs.Blake and spoke up, "How 'bout I get you out of here? You look *bate." 

At the sight of  Alaska grabbing the teacher carefully to lead her out of the room and to her car safely Derek felt his heart beat increased, and a smile made its way to his lips. He couldn't help it, every time he look at her his stone hard heart melted, and a warm sensation of love flooded his body.

And once they were outside, he couldn't help but hug her from behind. Her small frame pressed to his felt..right.
As if he should be holding this girl.

But, Little did they know that there was someone out there, ready to smash, break, burn and completely kill their mate bond; this some one was ready to kill one of them, because the other one, belonged to him. 

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gif of how derek hugs alaska. 

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