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It was late.

A long shift that had caused a detective to work far longer than he wanted to, and who was now running on the shitty decaf coffee from the break room. Steam floated from the styrofoam cup, and the male blew at it in a strained attempt to cool it down. Glancing at the table, he uncovered one of the many folders that littered his desk. Peeling back the creme colored paper, he glanced at the information. 'At least this is the last one tonight.' the male sighed.

Name: Karma Akabane

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 132 lbs

Blood Type: AB

Relatives: Unkown

Occupation: Kunugigaoka High School, Class 3-E

Crime: Mass murder

Class 3-E

The detective grimaced at the words, remembering the gruesome telling of the total destruction of a whole class.

The fact that a teenager, no... a kid, could murder his own classmates... it was unimaginable. ' Well, apparently not, dumbass.' Sighing, the detective closed the file, picking it up and carrying it with him as he made his way to the next room over. Opening the door, he looked at the occupant with distaste.

There, in the chair, was a tightly bound redhead, his amber eyes meeting the detective's own with amusement, a splatter of dried blood smudged on his cheek. 'Murdered his class not even a few hours ago, and not a single bit of remorse, the little shit.' Calmly, he approached the murderer, slapping the file on the table before sitting across from him in the small room.

"Now, Mr. Akabane, what do you have to say about the mass murder of your classmates in class 3-E?" He inquired to the redhead.

"I did it, no doubt about that, sir."

The teen drawled, slightly emphasizing the 'sir'. The detective was shocked slightly at the blunt response, brushing off his jab before continuing.

"And your reason, Mr. Akabane? For... the murders?"

The redhead smirked.

" I killed them because of... her."


The detective knew the redhead murdered his classmates, but from his information, Karma was the only suspect, who acted alone.

"Her? Can you describe this girl to me?"

The detective pushed, trying to pull information out on this mysterious girl.

"Hell no."

His blunt response almost caused a growl of irritation to escape the detective. The boy was trying to push his buttons, and it was working.

"This girl... was she a victim of yours? Someone of your past?"



"Did this girl tell you to murder your classmates? Did she blackmail you?"


The redhead shot down yet another question, starting to get annoyed with the older male in front of him. His amber eyes narrowed, and even in his tied up state looked very, very dangerous.

"Is she even an acquaintance of yours?"

"She... doesn't even know I exist."

The detective's eyes widened. To kill a whole class, over a girl who doesn't even know him?

"And why would you mass murder your peers over this... girl?"

"Because... I love her."

"And because you love her, you murdered your friends?"

The detective's voice seemed more strained, more forceful. To kill your friends over a love life related issue was NOT sane.

"I... can't have her to myself..."

Karma's eyes darkened, his fists clenching and his knuckles turning white at his statement.

"And what would the murder of your classmate have to do with your... love... towards this girl?"

Karma chuckled, and the detective tensed.

"I killed them because they were looking at was was mine. They wanted to take her for themselves, to claim something that was never theirs. They tainted her skin with their stares, and corrupted her just by thinking about her.

I will fucking take her to where no one can find her, where she has no one but me. I will ravish in her for everything that I have, until her mind, body, and soul all belong to me. She will be untouched, unbroken, untainted by all but me.

She is mine to dirty, mine to pleasure, mine to destroy. I will damage her porcelain skin with every object capable of doing so... and no one can stop me. I will love her, break her, ravish her, torture her, use her to my amusement, because she is mine."

The boy let out a deranged laugh at his statement, cackling at the disturbing confession to the other male.

" And now, she is all mine. And the blood spilt today was only a piece of it, a sign of my covenant to her, my love for her. And one day-"

Karma suddenly leaned forward until his nose was almost touching the other male's .

"-Her blood will be spilt by me."

The redhead looked down, his head filling with his love, his precious love, stained in red. His eyes were crazed, and a smile was stretched from cheek to cheek. His bloodied frame wracked with laughter as he thought about all he did, and all he will do, to her.

The detective stood, clutching his walkie talkie before screeching

"We have a blue fire, I repeat, a blue fire! This is not a drill, I need men down here goddammit!"

Slowly turning to the male, he back away slowly.

"Y-Your crazy..."

Karma's laughter stopped harshly, and the room was suddenly silent. Leaning to the detective, his bangs covered his menacing gaze.

"The crazy things we do for love~"

Even as Karma was carried away an thrown into a truck, his mind was filled with the thoughts of only one girl.

"I will have you, (y/n), I will have you, my love~"


PHEW!!! How was it? Comment on how you think it is! Next chapter will be out soon~

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