-Epilogue and Sequel?-

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[A few weeks later]

It was late.

The moon, a pale sphere in the night sky, illuminated the dark glasses windows of a large brick building, which stood out among the multiple trees the surrounded it. Among the lush trees, a police car sped on the dirt road, picking up dust that trailed behind it as it moved through the forest. A gruff policeman, in his late fifties, sat in the driver's seat, steering the car to the destination. His fraying hair was matted with sweat as he cautiously stared at a red haired male in the backseat, whose amber eyes stared almost vaguely out into the night scenery.

"We're here."

The policeman grumbled, clearly upset that he was working overtime to deliver the teen to and from destinations. The redhead immediately left the vehicle, eager to head inside the building. Cold eyes dug into his back as he strode towards the large doors of the institution, and the detective had no choice but to leave the teen behind, pulling away and speeding back down the road.

It wasn't hard.

In fact, I would say it was all worth it; the murders, the crimes, the scandals, just to mark you as mine.

Love is a crazy thing, isn't it?

It's strange, how one moment could change someone's entire life; an innocent scenario with a twisted price.

When I first saw you, it was at Kunugigaoka High School, during the season of the cherry blossoms. The school administration had allowed a field trip to the festivals, a reward for the hard work of the students. Even class 3-E, despised and hated, were allowed to participate in the activities.

You were enjoying the festival, dressed in a traditional kimono, and watching the cherry blossoms, clearly in awe of their spectacular beauty. I of course, realized that once I saw you, you were just like the small blossoms, frail and beautiful, with a delicacy that most would ignore.

It was that night, I knew I would have to make you mine.

But you were on another level, being in a higher class which excludes all contact with the lower and more inferior classes, separating us from ever meeting again.

It was cruel, as if the universe wanted us apart even though we were destined to be.

I tried to get your attention, silently following you around, but why would you pay attention to a low level scum like me? No, you simply didn't see me, as if my existence meant nothing to you, another face in the vast crowd around you.

It was infuriating.

Oh (Y/n), you didn't think you could get rid of me, did you~?

Instead, I devised a plan, a simple yet intricate process to not only gain your attention, but also your undying affection.

But what could I do, an invisible being in your world to gain your attention?

Well, murder of course.

And being the assassin I was trained to be, it was an easy task to remove the distractions of my class.

It was genius, really.

But I never expected the school to take interest in a snapped individual like me, forcing you into my world of insanity.

I just played my cards, and you fell into my arms.

I knew I would win, you see; I learned that I was actually very good at getting what I want.

An now, you were mine.

Hallways blurred in my peripheral vision, a guard leading me to the lowest level of the vast building. Only the worst criminals were kept there, but you are no criminal.

After all, it was I who did the murders, not you.

Fooling the police and blaming it on you wasn't hard, it was actually simple to say you blackmailed me into killing, threatening me with my life.

The police gobbled it up, and the murder of your friends and family didn't help your case either.

When the police stormed the warehouse, you were the only alive being, drenched in blood and peacefully sleeping among the dead.

You snapped, I claimed, cutting yourself before killing your loved ones in a way to prove your undying love for me, a token of your devotion.

The trial went by quickly, and you were charged with life.

People can be so naive, right, (Y/n)?

Your cell approached, seemingly very familiar, noting that I did spend months in that same position.

Do you know how it feels now?

What it's like to be locked away, just for love?

Immediately, you were shoved into the room, your disoriented state confused on your whereabouts. You were just transferred in  today, having to be carried out of the courtroom screaming profanities at me.

You know, after all I've done, that hurts, (Y/n)-Chan~

Your eyes meet mine, and you almost scream, the noise muffled against the muzzle you were forced to wear.

Don't you know, (Y/n)? Biting a guard is strictly forbidden.

Even through your straightjacket, I could tell your scars were still healing, and a could faintly see the letters of my name carved into your skin, peaking through the open gap of the tattered clothing. I stared at you through the thick glass, pulling out a clipboard before sitting in the small chair facing your cell.

Your eyes screamed at me, your body writhing against your confinements, terror seeping through your veins.

Oh, how intoxicating you can be.

"Welcome to Nightshade Asylum..."

I smiled deviously, noting the horror seeping into your features

"Enjoy your stay, (Y/n)-Chan~"

Now your insane, just like me.



Hello, my lovely fanatics.

We have reached the end, and the trip here has been so amazing with all the love and support. Soooo~ I've decided to write another book!

I have two options;

A)- I do another character from Assassination Classroom. (If you vote this please say the character; but it would not be related to this book at all, since class 3-E is dead)

B)- I do a completely different character. (If you vote this please state the character)

Ok, now I need you all to vote. The way to add your vote is to reply ONCE to a comment you see of your character OR make your own of a different character. After a short period of time, I will count and let you all know the results. Thank you so much once again for being such amazing readers~! You guys are literally the best and I- *inserts fan girl noise* just LOVE you all SOOOOO much!

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