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A/N-Before you read! Please note, that if you are at all triggered from cutting, torture or sexual harassment, please do not read this. I made it very graphic and do not wish to disturb anyone. Thank you

The world was spinning.

You felt nauseous, your stomach twisting itself until it was reduced into one matted knot of anxiety, tight and gripping. Fear was wedged into your throat, and you suddenly had the urge to dry heave. Your fingers gripped the counter, as they were the only thing supporting you from crashing to the floor. Heavy, frantic breaths escaped you, your lungs overworking themselves to the point where you felt they would explode inside of you.


Karma's dark eyebrows rose.


He took a step foreward, a predator against a small field mouse, jaws open and ready for the kill. His movements were slow, calculated, each step sending your mind into a frenzied mess. You were in a room with a killer... a sadist, a cruel monster who somehow was able to find a place in his heart for you, and loved you dearly, if not in his own, twisted sense.

"Do you know, what I've done... who I've killed... for you, for us to be together?"

His eyes were dark, sinister pools of amber that scalded your skin as he painfully raked them across your form. You began to think about it, the people harmed over you; the guards at the asylum, Reku Taekun... Your eyes widened.

"Class 3-E... why?"

Karma shrugged, as if the brutal undoing of his classmates and peers meant nothing at all.

"To gain your attention, of course. You see, it was all thought out, a plan, in some way; the mass murder, being placed in the asylum, interesting the school to place your class incidentally for a project, to assign you to me, all carefully plotted out to make you mine."


The way he stated the word of possession so casually as if you already knew that you were his, as if you were property, an object to be placed under one's watch.

It enraged you.

Karma was so close, so close, his fingers brushing gently against your clothed shoulder, and you actually shuddered. Waves of revoltion washed over your skin as you felt his skin glide across your own, leaving a trail of fire in it's wake. Your back was against the counter, the pot of ramen boiling behind you, close to burning your skin.

You had to get away.

No matter what.

As Karma's lips dove to your neck, your hand wrapped around the pot's handle, the unprotected surface sizzling slightly as it made contact with your bare skin. A shriek of pain escaped you, and you almost dropped the burning kitchen utensil as you felt waves of pain turning your soft skin an angry red. Quickly, you lobbed the pot in Karma's directed, and a yelp of pain proved it met its target.

Clutching your now burned hand to your chest, you shoved the male out of your way, and bolted out of the kitchen, your attempted escape feeling as if you were running a marathon as you hobbled through the house. Black spots filled your vision, and fat tears fell down your skin as your hand throbbed, your arm unmoving and already seeming to blister.

Your body was in so much pain to world around you seemed to blur, leaving you in a dream like state. Your body gave off the signal that you were running, but in reality you were limping at a very slow pace, the minutes actually seconds in reality as audible cursing filled your hearing.

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