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Kim Taehyung POV

Jungkook has been quiet the whole day and now we're heading to meet In Ha . I didn't know why jungkook acting like this and this making us awkward in the car .

"Jungkook are you okay?" Silent . He didn't reply me at all but keep looking outside through the glass .

"Jungkook" one of my hand reaching his hands while other hand keeping on  the steering but he pushed my hand harshly and that actually startled me a little

"Jungkook ! What is wrong with you ? Can you tell me ?" I didn't realise that I raised my voice a little

"I'm okay ! Okay ? So don't ask me more let's just go meet your precious girlfriend"

I see . That is why he's been sulking all day . I'm trying hard to not smile the fact that jungkook is jealous .

I shifted my gaze back on the road and drive the car carefully

Jungkook POV

"Hyung ... why are we here?" He ignored me so i just followed him without any interest to ask more because yeah I'm not in the mood to talk to him . One by one we passed them giving me goosebumps. I just can't imagine all this , the truth is that , how could i live without someone i love but i know soon , that day will come .

I stopped instantly when suddenly Taehyung stopped in the track without notice makes my forehead hits his back.

"Jungkook let me introduce my girlfriend In ha" it was a tomb with her name on it . So his girlfriend actually has passed away and i got jealous over her dead girlfriend ? Oh god now i feel terrible towards her . I noticed that Taehyung's eyes were in the brink if tears . My heart sunk

"Hyung .. you know , you can cry if you want I won't make fun of it" soon he let his tears fall down on his cheeks

"I'm sorry inha I couldn't stop her from doing this to you.. i-I'm s-sorry" I'm confused what is he talking about . Couldn't stop what ? Her ? Who ? What happened to inha ? I have so many questions to ask him but I don't think this is a good time to ask instead I moved closer and hug him tightly around his waist with a few rubs on his back . He choked because he couldn't stop himself from crying. I'm really curious of this situation right now but the only thing i could do is support him . Seeing him crying like doesn't make be better at all . I feel so bad that i've been sulking and ignored him the whole day . The jealousy in me is not good at all , it's a pain . After a few minutes cooling him down , he stopped crying and break the hugs .

"Are you okay now ?"

"Yeah much better because you hugged me , thank you jungkook" I can't smile because I don't feel good at all . I haven't tell him that I'm sorry. Good Jungkook.. now i feel like my eyes wet

"Kookie ~ what hap-" before he could finish his sentence I hugged him again tightly with my head on his shoulder

"I'm sorry hyung~ I didn't know that your girlfriend has gone.. i-i got so jealous and has been sulking all day .. i think i really love you hyung . Sorry about just now in the car . I didn't mean to push you away like that i - i am really ssso"

He caresses my hair softly "it's okay kookie really . I know you didn't mean that" he breaks the hug and took my hands intertwined with his and pulled me closer to In Ha's grave

"In Ha , after a long time now i think i can let you go peacefully. I know what my mother did to you is unforgivable but i hope you forgive me for everything. Thank you for leaving the letter to me before you go.  Now i've moved on from you and i will find my happiness now" What Taehyung said really makes my heart sank

"My happiness is here with me now , jeon jungkook . He successfully stole my heart . I'm here to ask you for blessing"

I myself jeon jungkook can't believe what he just said . I'm his happiness ? His face shifted on me and look deeply into my eyes with innocent smile on his lips . I can't brain this

"Jeon jungkook , be my boyfriend and I promise i will cherish you till our souls break us apart" I'm crying really. I didn't know this coming. I swear I didn't know this coming

I nodded harshly. This is what I've been waiting since i fell in love with him.

"I'm crying and it's all your fault hyung" he laughs softly and pulled me by my waist closer to him . He kissed me on my lips passionately, passionately enough that my knees is weak for him . I'm melting with his touch . His soft lips tasting mine is what i've been imagined. That day has come .

"I love you jeon jungkook"

"I love you too"

I kissed him back with my hands around his neck. We're deeply in love and i will never let him go

Uh oh .. finally an update. Sorry guys ! Such a busy month for me and actually I'm still in my examination week but whatever I don't care .. please vote and comments my story ! Thank youu !!!

 please vote and comments my story ! Thank youu !!!

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One word : rude

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