Chapter 7

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"Do you guys know how humans make babies??" Jackson randomly asked.

Mark almost choked on his water.

"Why do you want to know that??" Youngjae deadpanned.

Jackson shrugged. "Just curious."

"Hmm... I wonder too..." I muttered to myself.

I mean... I know how fishes do it but how do humans do it?? How does human sex work? Is it the same as fish sex? Can a merman have sex with a human???

The thought of me and Jae Bum together was just too overwhelming and made my whole face turn red. I shook my head, thinking something so fantasized will ever happen.

Jackson fixed his cap and looked up. "Maybe they like... The female lays her eggs and the male fertili–"

"Jackson–" Mark sighed. "No, humans don't lay eggs. They're not fish."

"But I read from a book that the male fertilizes the female's eggs. So the male has to somehow fertilize the female's eggs."

Youngjae shrugged. "I think I remember something about the male inserting his pe–"

"OKAYY LET'S STOP THERE." I covered Youngjae's mouth before he could finish. His nostrils slightly flared.

Jackson clapped his hands and grinned, "Maybe humans can change their reproduction organs!!"

Mark put his fist in his mouth, closed his eyes and shook his head.

Youngjae exhaled. "Jackson, if you were to do it with a human, I don't think you'd be able to make her pregnant properly."

"Or him!" said Jackson. "Because maybe he can change his organs into female organs."

At this point, Mark was face palming his head on the desk.

"If I make a human female pregnant, would she have fish babies?!!" Jackson gasped. "Wait, can we merfolk change our reproductive organs??" Jackson tapped his chin.

I face palmed. "Jackson... Haven't you ever been to Sex Ed??"

"Clearly not..." Youngjae muttered to me.

"Alright class! Settle down!!"

All of the students faced the teacher and stopped talking. Once as it was quiet, she started class.


"PE? What class is that??" I tilted my head.

"It's where we exercise." Mark stated.

"So... Why are we changing our clothes?"

"We have to put our gym clothes on, so we have to wear a certain attire when we go to this class." he said as he was taking his shirt off.

Me and Youngjae ohed and followed suit. I put my necklace in my clothes so that I won't lose my pearl again. After changing into our clothes we followed Jackson and Mark with the class.

"What do we do in PEE class?" Youngjae tilted his head.

Jackson giggled. "Heehee PEE.."

"That's what it's called, right??" Youngjae furrowed his brows.

Mark bit his cheek and shook his head. "P. E. Not PEEE."

Youngjae glared at the two of them. "Anyways, what are we doing in this class??"

"Swimming??" I questioned. 

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