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Have you heard about the Half Akuma?

Well I guess no one knows huh?

Well I know about it.

There was a little girl who was born a half akuma and a half human.

I must say she was the first one.

She was unwanted by her parents. She also has a twin brother but he was human. He was also unwanted.

The two of them were together. The both of them never leave their sides.

One day they went outside because it was snowing. They saw a dog and played with it. Well not the both of them. The little girl did not show any emotions. She was emotionless. While her brother was happy playing with the dog.

The dog died and the both of them surronded it. There was a man with weird clothes approched the two of them. The two of them looked at the man. The man talked to the boy and the girl but the girl was silent.

The girl never talked once and never showed any emotions.

The man with weird clothes asked their name. The boy replied but the girl only stared. The boy told the man the girl's name.

And since then the man tooked them and showed them what love is.

One day the little girl was starting to open for the man. But a tradegy happen, the man who showed love for them died. She was about to smile to him. But it turns out she only showed with an emotionless face.

The man last words to them was.

"Keep on moving and keep on smiling"

The boy cried while the girl was emotionless.

The boy and the girl was with the grave of the person who showed love to the both of them. The boy had a sorrowful face while the girl has an emotionless face.

A man with glasses and a hat stood infront of them saying do they wish to make him come back to life. The girl did not say anything. But the boy said yes and shouted.

The girl was staring at the man. But the man noticed her and asked her if she wanted to come. The girl only looked at him and looked to the boy. The girl looked to the man once again and said.

"Will you leave him if I come to you?"

The man smiled and nod.

The boy was attacked by an akuma. But the boy killed the akuma. The akuma's last words was.

"I love you ----- and -----"

And soon then some one saw the boy alone and took him in.

And the girl went to the man. And since then the boy and the girl never saw each other again...

And that's all I know well anyways let's see what happens next.....😊

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