Episode 4: Sync Rate and Steal

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"Mother?" a little girl with black hair with blue eyes questioned the woman infront. She has blond hair and pink eyes.

She looked at the little girl and asked "what's wrong?".

The little girl's face was smilling she opened her mouth and said "why do I always see a woman who looked a little like you?"

These words suprised the blond woman. She stopped knitting and made her full attention to the little girl.

The little girl looked to her looking for answers. They locked eyes for a second until the woman blinked and opened her mouth.

"Shall I tell you a story?" she asked smilling. The little girl nod and listened.


"Azami you okay?" Allen the silver haired boy asked his silver haired twin. Azami nod not looking to him. Allen was confused but he let it go.

"Komui-san!? where here!" Allen shouted inside the room filled with papers everywhere. The Supervisor Komui Lee pops out of the desk filled with paper.

He looked to the twins and said "Let's go!". The twins nodded and followed the man in glasses.

Minutes of walking they have finally reached their destination. Azami looked around and looked to Allen.

He noticed Azami was looking to him. He puts his hand on top of Azami's head and said "don't worry you will meet an old exorcist".

They went inside a circle form machine and Komui turned it on. They went down and saw a big glowing person that covered her eyes. She was beautiful with her long hair.

"Hevlaska this is our new member, Azami Walker the twin of Allen Walker." Komui Lee said with a serious tone and face.

Hevlaska the big woman and also known as an old exorcist observed the silver haired girl and remembered something.

'She looks exactly like her...' Hevlaska thought and reached out a strange tentacles. Azami on the other hand was looking at her hoping to see her eyes.

Hevlaska noticed and looked at her. They locked eyes for a second until...

"I am sure you are already aware of what I am" Azami said making Hevlaska flinch.

"I am quite aware of what you are saying" Hevlaska replied.

"I was born already with it..." Azami said. While two people were quite confused of what they are talking.

Hevlaska was concentrating on Azami's sync rate since it was quite hard to find.

1%...28%...45%...63%...82%...95%........(and so on)

Minutes later Hevlaska finally found it and was quite shock to know.

Her sync rate is beyond its limit which suprised Komui Lee the Supervisor of the ORDER.

He have never heard or seen of someone with a higher sync rate not until today.

They were suprised while Allen seems to know everything. On the other hand Azami didn't mind anything.

"Dear child" Hevlaska said looking hesitant. Azami looked to Hevlaska waiting what she has to say.

"You remind me of someone I know in the past" She continued. Azami's eyes widden knowing who she is talking to.

"Are you perhaps..." Hevlaska hesitate before saying "her?"

Komui and Allen were quite confused on what the two of them were talking about.

There was a minutes of silence until Azami spoke.

"It seems like they don't know what we are talking about..." Azami gestured to both of the young man standing confused.

Hevlaska apologize and soon Komui said that they need to leave.

They waved goodbye to Hevlaska while moving up. Azami and Hevlaska looked each other and nod.

'See you later Azami/Hevlaska' They spoke in their mind.

While moving up Komui had been staring both of the twins observing them.

Azami looked to Komui and took out a piece of paper that says 'If you want to know what Hevlaska and I are talking about... She will tell you... soon'

Komui's face turned to a serious face. He laughed and said "Guess your right..."


Allen and Azami has been quiet for a while now since Komui left to finish his work.

Allen has been looking at Azami wanting to know answers that he never knew.

Allen knew that Azami knows everything and that the bookmans doesn't know it yet.

For a long time The bookmans has been searching for histories such as the holy war between exorcist and Noah or the heart.

They know everything and they still haven't said anything about it to The world. But they thought they knew everything... but they were wrong.

There was only one person who knew everything and that person was the only one who knew about the truth of the world.

And that Allen didn't know... not until he comes...

Lenalee was walking by and saw the twins.

She ran to them and hugged Azami. Azami gave Lenalee a poker face. Lenalee sweatdrop at what Azami just did.

"So where were you guys?" Lavi the Bookman suddenly pops up beside Allen which suprised Allen and Lenalee.

"Oh we went to Hevlaska" Allen replied with a face of 'dont you dare do that again'.

Lavi laughed and apologize. "Aza-chan lets go play!" he said and dragged Azami away from the two exorcist.

"Lavi you baka usagi how dare you steal her away!" Allen shouted ready to run when Lenalee calmed him, he started to calm down so Allen helped Lenalee on what she was doing.

While the so called Baka Usagi stole Allen's twin sister Azami Walker and went to a room filled with books everywhere.

Azami then said "Your room is just like Komui's room". This made Lavi sweatdrop.


Here is your Chapter 4: Sync Rate and Steal.

Sorry it took me long to update...

I was busy with school who greeted me and Dianamikay Happy Birthday today!

Dianamikay hope you see this message! Happy Birthday Twiny!








Shigi-chan Is out😂😂

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