Chapter One

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Tom stared at the last spot he saw Edd. When he couldn't find anything to do, he would casually do this through the window. He took a gulp from his flask holding a straight face. On the inside though, he was dying. He had left him for... a murderer! Why.. wasn't he good enough for him?

A door opening caught his attention taking him out of his depressing thoughts. He saw it was Matt heading towards the kitchen. He noticed he wasn't wearing his green over coat. Just his purple hoodie. Tom began to wonder when he started to that. He loved that thing.

Matt noticed he was staring and waved. Tom waved with his flask and looked back at the window missing Edd. Matt was going through a kitchen drawer until he fount what he was looking for. He took a cigarette from his back pocket lighting it with his new fount lighter. He then sat his ass on the couch. Tom sniffed the air coughing a bit. He turned to see... Matt smoking?!

Tom was so confused! Since when did his friend smoke!? He once again got caught by Matt staring.

" What you looking at?"

Even the way he talks has changed. Tom sat down beside Matt and just stared. Matt scooter over a little feeling uncomfortable.

" Why are you smoking?"

" Cause.. I can?"

Matt cocked an eyebrow. Tom was looking at him as if it was the first time seeing him. Tom suddenly snatched the cig from his mouth.

" Hey!"

" Smoking is bad for your lungs."

" And drinking is bad for your liver. What's your point?"

Tom stood still admitting he had a point. That's when Matt yanked his flask away from him. Throwing the cancer stick, he started fighting him to get it. Matt and him rolled on the floor not caring how ridiculous this was. They began to unleash their inner anger on each other. Pulling hair, punching, etc.

Then the smell of the carpet burning made them stop. Tom jumped up heading to the sink filling up a bowl with water. He got a little messy with it spilling some on the floor. He took one step and went flying hitting his head on the corner of the counter his body hitting the floor with a hard thud.

" What was that noise!?"

Matt ran in to find an unconscious Tom blood dripping down his forehead. He looked back and forth between Tom and the fire. He decided to attend to the fire first before it burned the house down. Once out, he picked up Tom bridal style. He then headed to his room placing the smaller male on his bed. Getting out the first aid, he cleaned and wrapped his head carefully.

Healing Hearts ( Matt x Tom )Where stories live. Discover now