Chapter Seven

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Tom was watching TV secretly sneaking a Smirnoff in since the kids were asleep. Matt doesn't allow him to drink around the kids, and Tom can respect that. He doesn't bring his flask with him everywhere like he use too, and he lessen his drinking a lot. Matt straight up quit cigarettes which made Tom really happy.

" Drunk.."

Tom looked over at Amon. He gave Tom a look of disgust before heading to the kitchen. Tom put down the beer shaking his head.

" You have school tomorrow! You should be asleep!"

" And whose gonna make me exactly? You? Ha! Don't make me laugh!"

Tom was three seconds away from slapping that grin off his face. He walked into the kitchen snatching the cookies from his hands.

" Hey! What's the big idea?!"

" It's way past your bedtime, and it's a school night! Cookies will keep you up!"

" It's not like I can go to sleep anyways!"

Amon yelled out his voice cracking. Tom's expression soften making Amon look away. Tom got down on one knee catching Amin's attention.

" You can't sleep?"

Amon slowly shook his head. Tom frowned showing the worry on his face. He took one cookie out of the pack before putting it up. He also made a warm glass of milk. He told Amon if he wanted this, he would have to come to the couch with him. Amon silently followed staring at Tom as he took a place on the couch. He patted beside him motioning Amon to take a seat. He grunted doing as he said. Tom handed him a cookie and the warm milk. Tom smiled in amusement died to how cute he was when he ate the cookie and drink the milk. He looked back at the TV.

" So why can't you sleep? Nightmares?"

" No... I'm just not tired."

" Ah! So an insomniac. That's perfectly normal. A lot of people have that problem. I can make you an appointment if you want to see we can find anything that can help you."

" I don't want a shot!"

He threw the empty glass down breaking it. Tom didn't even flinch. That's the fifth thing he broke this week. He got up cleaning up the mess. Amon just laughed at Tom's misery.

" Owe!"

Tom grabbed his finger. Amon caught the sight of blood and frowned. He walked off without Tom noticing and returned with a bandaid. He placed it over Tom's finger and gave it a kiss. Tom was caught off guard by his kindness. That's when he saw the tears in his eyes.

" I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you!"

Tears fell down Amon's cheeks. He rubbed at his unique eyes embarrassed. Tom wrapped his arms arms around him picking him up.

" It's okay buddy! It was just a little cut!"

" I don't like hurting people."

" But you called your sister a bitch."

" Hey! It slips!"

Both Amon and Tom laughed. Amon yawned nuzzling up to Tom falling asleep. Tom sat back on the couch, turning off the TV, and going to sleep with Amon in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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