Chapter Six

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Matt and Tom have been driving since nine a'clock. Tom the whole way was  trying to persuade Matt into giving up on this stupid idea. It was around lunch time when they arrived.

" I don't think this is a good idea!"

Matt just parked in front of the orphanage. He had a look of determination as he exited the car not listening to Tom. Tom hesitated staring at his old home. Soon enough, he ran after Matt who just pushed through the front doors.

" Matt! Listen to me please. We are both only twenty four! We don't know how to raise a kid!"

Matt sent Tom a glare before continuing. It was harsh enough to shut him up. A lady at a desk greeted him.

" Hello. I'm Miss Christine."

" My name is Matt and this is Tom. We're here to see if we can adopt a child."

" Ah! So you two are lovers? You can admit to me if you are. I do not judge for such things."

Tom and Matt waited for the other one to deny it, but it never came out their mouths. They were a blushing mess when woman decided to show them different sectors of children ranging from different ages. By the end of it, she asked were there any they seemed interested in.

" We're interested in the ones in your basement."

Matt stated with a straight face. The woman went pale at the mentioning of it. She looked down at her feet stating she didn't know what he was talking about.

" Oh really? You know, if you go back in your records that you kept in my kind, you would find a boy named Thomas Ridgewell. You would also see he's standing right in front of you."

Tom growled at the lady making her jump. Her feet then left in a hurry taking both males down to the basement. Tom started to become jumpy hating the memories he had here. They didn't abuse him or anything, but he was never allowed to leave the basement even if he looked human on the outside. Well, he did except for his non existent eyes. That's why even today he hated closed spaces. They make him think he's back at the orphanage, and he can't get out.

The lady opened a side door that had stairs that went down. Shaking, Tom decant into the darkness breathing hard from anxiety. Matt heard him, and intertwined his fingers with Tom's making him feel a little bit better. A light then came into view.

" Come here kids. We have a visitor."

Matt and Tom frowned seeing three unwanted kids. Two girls and a boy. At the word visitor, they had changed their formations rather quickly making them look human. The oldest looked to be a blonde girl. She had pretty blue eyes and long hair.

" Hello! My name is Jewel! I'm nine!"

She smiled at Tom and Matt. They immediately seemed to melt. Tom looked over at the other one who seemed to be staying in the corner.

" What's you're name?"

" N-Noel."

" Noel? Like in Christmas?"

Tom grumbled. He hated Christmas! But when he looked at the little red head, her large eyes reminded him of Christmas lights. He smiled causing her to come closer to him. The boy just sat there while watching them their eyes staying on the girls. He didn't care anyway. He hated humans, and hoped they all burned in hell.

" And what about you?"

Matt walked over to him. He took a step back gritting his teeth. Matt noticed his discomfort and back away understanding space. He had white hair with one blue and one red eye. He was extremely pale compared to the others.

" Amon..."

" That's a nice name. Egyptian I believe?"

The boy nodded his head noticing his black eyes. He looked back at Matt who seemed to have moved closer.

" Don't get near me!"

He screamed out. Matt jumped back surprised. The boy hissed placing himself up a wall. Tom and Matt both glanced at each other not sure what to think of him. The woman decided to leave them, so they could get to know the kids without her being awkward in the corner.

" They don't usually allow visitors down here. Why did they allow you?"

" Because we're just like you."

Matt grew his fangs while Tom did the same with his horns. The girls clapped their hands together also changing their forms. Noel turned out to be a Naga with a pink tail while Jewel was a Neko. The boy just stared at all four of them with crossed arms.

" Aren't you gonna change fella?"

" I'm human sadly."

He stated with a raised chin. Tom stared at him confused. They're only suppose to put monsters down here.

" Then why are you here?"

Matt asked wondering the same thing as Tom.

" He's cursed!"

Jewel piped up.

" Shut up bitch!"

Amon screamed at her.

" Hey! Don't call her that!"

Tom yelled at the kid. Matt stood up giving him a sign that said shut the hell up. Tom rolled his eyes.

" That wasn't a very nice thing to say. Why did you do it?"

" Cause... she's telling my business to other people! She has no damn right to do that!"

" But what if these people were planning to adopt you? They would need to know something like that."

" You're... adopting me?"

" Yes."

" W-What? But you didn't even give me a saying in which one we're picking!"

" What do you mean picking? We're taking them all home."

" WHAT?!"

" Yay!"

Both girls cheered. The boy just stood their astonish. He... just puffed out his cheeks. It'll just be like the other times...

Matt and Tom came up with their new children in their human form. They signed the papers putting them into their legal care.

" Which name will I be putting this under?"

" Oh..."

Tom and Matt said at the same time. They decided to pull theirselves to the side to talk about the situation. Tom spoke up first.

" There's a chance.. Ridgewell might not even be my real name. When they fount me, the note that was with me was blurred from the rain. The only thing that they could get out of it was my first name. They're not sure about the second one. We should do it under yours. You're part of a Royal Family after all."

" So... Hargreaves?"

" Hargreaves."

So that's what name their new children got. Jewel, Noel, and Amon Hargreaves. It was a silent ride on the way home. Tom was driving thinking everyone fell asleep. He then looked in his rearview mirror to see Amon staring out the window watching building pass by.

" I know you probably don't think this is gonna work out because I saw your record kid. You've been returned back to the orphanage three times because of some.. accidents. I understand that must of hurt you a lot. But trust me Amon, we're not taking you back. Where your going, this is your new home."

Amon didn't acknowledge what Tom said. He just kept staring through the window thinking of other things. Tom could sense the fear coming of him.

The fear of never being wanted.

Healing Hearts ( Matt x Tom )Where stories live. Discover now