Chapter Four

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Tom looked over at Matt. He just held this smirk on his face. Tom tried to pull away, but... Matt's touch.. was so soft and comforting. He rubbed his cheek against Matt's palm. Matt just  chuckled rubbing his thumb across his cheek bone making Tom blush.  His other hand started to play with his hair once again. Tom eyes were half lidded as he ended leaning on Matt's shoulder wanting to feel more. Matt blushed, but he accepted it. He was waiting for on certain thing though.

" Why aren't you purring kitty?~"

Tom pulled back now hiding his face in his hands. He remembers last night! Also, he's not a cat! He's a fucking monster!

" Awe! You're embarrassed!"

" I-I don't know what you're talking about! I'm human Matt. I don't purr."

" You did last night.~"

" No I-"

Matt cut him off by pulling him close. Tom was on top of Matt turning fifty shades of red. Matt  held him tight with one arm not letting go. He was surprisedly strong.

" Matt! Let go of me!"

" Not until you purr for me Tommy.~"

He whispered in Tom's ear. Tom melted under his voice feeling his hand going back up to his hair playing with it and the other scratching it. He finally gave in purring. Matt sat up a bit causing Tom's head to stay in his lap.

" I knew you weren't human."

Tom shot up not being able to look at Matt. He was so ashamed of himself. He thought that Matt hated him now. He always drives people away. He's unlikable. No one wants him. Matt is probably going to kick him out the house now! Tom began to cry hating himself. It's all his fault that Edd never could love him! He was unwanted, and he knew it!

Matt saw him crying and scooped him up in his arms bridal style. Tom looked up at the male confused. How could Matt not hate him?! Tom face turned red seeing that Matt took him to his room. He laid him down gently placing him under the covers. Tom didn't saying anything as Matt joined him.

" Why haven't you gotten rid of me yet! I'm a monster! I should be dead!"

Matt held unto him tightly Tom's tears staining his hoodie. He made it where Tom would look him in the eye. Tom stared into them baby blues, but he noticed they started to change colors. He froze seeing a deadly red. His skin went pale. Tom was pinned to the bed Matt suddenly having a strength ten times more than Tom's. Matt hissed flaring his fangs. Tom shut his eyes in fear. That's when he felt Matt nuzzle his nose his eyes opening again.

" We're both monsters Tom. Don't worry."

( We all know how he really got turned into a vampire, but I'll gonna change it up a bit. )

" H-How-"

" I'm a hybrid. Mom was a vampire. Dad was a human. Because I'm part human, I can go out in the sun, and I don't have to feed on blood."

" Oh..."

" Now tell me Tom. What are you?"

" I'm not totally sure what I am. I can't fully show you either. Not in the house anyway. I can show you some form of it though."

Matt watched purple horns and pointy ears pop out of his head. Purple spread to some parts of his body especially around his arms. His fingers turned into claws that could shred someone's chest with one swipe.

Matt laid his head on Tom's chest dozing off.

" I think you're beautiful Tom."

" R-Really?"

Tom was met by soft snoring. Tom just smirked letting himself take a little nap. They have had a busy morning.

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