Chapter Three

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Matt woke up to feeling cold as always. It seems to suffocate him. He tried to get warmth by pulling the covers tighter around him, but it didn't seem to work. He sighed giving up. He dragged himself out of bed going into the kitchen. He didn't see Tom-


Wasn't he with Tom on the couch last night? How did he end up in his bed? Or was all of that a dream?

He sighed getting out a cig. He stared out the window having memories of the day Edd left.

" After all what he did to us, you chose him over us?!"

Tom's voice rang out in his head. You puffed on the cigarette not taking a break. Soon, nothing was left. He was about to get another one out until he saw someone in the reflection of the window. Matt turned around to feel two arms wrap about him.

" I know it hurts. I miss him too."

Matt was caught off guard looking like a tomato. He was thinking about pushing Tom away, but.. it felt so warm. He accepted the hug hating the cold. Tom pulled away saying he would make breakfast.

" Thanks Tommy."

Tom blushed at the nickname. He walked into the kitchen deciding to make some bacon and eggs. It didn't take long. He called Matt to come eat.

Matt sat down smiling. He hasn't had a real breakfast in a while. Once he bit into the bacon, he couldn't stop eating. He missed cooked meals so much.

" I assume you liked it."

Tom chuckled. Matt blushed forgetting his manners. He then looked at Tom's head. Once done, he grabbed the aid kit and decided to give Tom clean bandages. Tom immediately winced when he tugged away the dirty one, but he didn't protest. It didn't take long for Matt to wrap his head back up again, but he's afraid Tom will have a scar.

" So what do you want to do today?"

Matt grinned at Tom. Tom blushed from seeing how cute he was. He blushed even more when he thought about him being cute. It was true though! He's so adorable-

Tom cut him off seeing Matt looking at him weird. He stood up rubbing the back of his neck with a long sigh.

" Whatever you want to do."

" Well, before we do anything, I need to go to the bank to get some money if you don't mind. Bills need to be pay here, you know?"

Bills? Tom blinked. He never really thought about the money situation around here. Now that he thinks about it, no one had ever asked him to get a job around here to help pay for the place. He never saw Matt ever working for money neither.

" Sure."

" Okay. Let me go change into some fresh clothes, alright?"

" I'll do the same."

Tom went into his room and did a quick change. Once out, he saw Matt waiting at the door for him. They walked out the door making small talk. They made it too the car, and they were off. They stopped by the bank. Matt walked up to the ATM machine Tom behind him. He turned around as Matt put in a code. Once Matt said it was okay, he turned around. He gasped seeing hundreds practically fly out. He fell to his knees seeing them keep coming. In the end, Matt walked away with $3,000 dollars in his hands. Tom stood there dumbfounded! How in the hell did he get all that money. Matt honked the car horn getting his ass up. He got back in the passenger seat and just stared.

" What?!"

" Where did you get that money?!"

" Don't you know?"

Matt stated it like it's obvious.

Tom just shook his head like there was no tomorrow.

" Jag är en del av en kunglig familj."

" What in the holy hell was that?!"

" Swedish."

" What does it mean?!"

" I'm part of the royal family in Sweden."


" Well... if you think about it, you didn't talk to me that. You never tried to get to know me, and I thought I irritated you, so I left you alone."

Tom became quiet. Matt was right. He was so focus on Tom he never got to know him really. He placed a hand on his shoulder getting Matt's attention.

" I'm sorry..."

He apologized. Matt shook his head still smiling. There was no need to be when it comes to him.

" Wanna go shopping?"

" For what?"

" Whatever you want."

" Nah. It's your money. I'm not gonna use you now that I know that you're rich."

" Hmm. What about a movie Tommy?"

Tom blushed. A date?! He nodded his heading not able to reply any other way. Matt giggled at his response. He then headed to the movie theatre. Since it was still morning, hardly anyone was there. Matt let Tom choose the movie. He chose a horror called Truth or Dare. Matt wasn't good with scary movies, but he would do this for his friend. Twenty minutes in, Matt grabbed unto Tom's hoody and hurried his face in it. Tom hesitated, but he slowly wrapped his arm around Matt comforting him. Matt seemed to calm down enough to watch the rest of the movie. By the end though, he was shaking a bit.

It was lunch time, so Matt decided to take Tom to a diner he's been to before. It was called the Jukebox and it's theme was the 80s/90s. They both ordered a burger with fries. Once again, they just made small talk figuring each other out. Once done, they decided they might as well go grocery shopping. Matt bough Tom's favorite foods and snacks. Also, he of course grabbed some other ingredients that Tom needed to make dinner tonight. And on the side me might of bought alcohol and cigs.

On the way home, Tom drove as Matt took a little cat nap beside him. Tom looked over him once or twice smiling at how how he looked so peaceful in his sleep. He shook him awake once he pulled in their driveway. He gave a small grin yawning away his drowsiness. They both put up groceries plopping down with a bag of chips on the couch afterwards. Tom was happily eating away with a bear in his hand when he suddenly felt someone playing with his hair.

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