Chapter 3: Pity

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the car rolled to a stop at a big house in the middle of the woods by the sents; the pack house.

i was to meet the boys get a hold on them a start tacking. i open the car door and walked up to the steps to the front door that stood open for me. the pack member that picked me up at the plant showed me to the living room where i was told to sit and wait.

upon my entrance a group of girls, the age of one of the dessicated targets, surrounded me asking mundane questions on why i was here.

"well? are you going to answer me, mutt. the future Alpha Female!' a annoying blond asked my in a high voice that was getting on my nerves.

i stayed silent

"how dare you!' she shrieked at me.' i am a very important person and i need to know why you are here! and if you don't tell me...!"

i waited patently for her to finish her threat, but all behold, my assignments walked down the stair to my right.

"Cassy, you aren't Alpha Female, nor will you ever be so leave the pour girl alone if you will" one of the boys spoke up,. by a assessment Alex

"ohh she's here, well lovely" a voice said softly behind the boys.when the parted, stood a woman who by look was their mother.and behind her was the man i meet in the meeting room.

"yes dear mate, and sons, this is...this is...this is your tacker" he said hesitantly.

"yes, i see that. but what is her name?" the woman asked.

"ahhhhh.......she really don't have one" the man said sounding unsure.

"doesn't she have a name!?! what kind of freack are you?' Cassy sneaked before turning to the eldest. "Trent, why don't we go upstairs while she get her life figured out? hm mm?"

the father gave Cassy a warning glare but since her back we turned resorted to other measures.

" Cassy, the tacker is here to find the boys' mates. that means all my sons!" he boomed at her.'so get with yours!"

with that Cassy scrambled out of the room.

"ok! so since you don't have a name we will have to give you one" the man stated paceing.

"i go by Hanna." i said in a low monotone voice.

each person in the room flinched from my voice. i didn't use it a lot so i guess its not very appealing to the ears.

"OH! oh, ok you do have a mind of your own?" he slurred out hesitantly

"yes i do. i am normally not permitted to speak but this mission will rely on my voice so i must." i said bored with the pity that washed evryone's face. you get used to it after a while.

"now down to business. i will need a least a week to track and a week before to get a hold on my targets." i stated.

" so soon!" the woman stated i really need to learn there names

" you wish for a shorted period? well most of the last week i spend with the 'mate' targets talking them in but if you wish for emitted contact i can work around that"

"no no 2 weeks is short enough no need to trier yourself out" the eldest of the boys spoke up.

"i am gracious for your conses but i normally don't sleep at night"

"why is that?" the youngest asked sincerely

"being created in a lab, you learn things. besides i spend most the night with my mate"

" you found your's well then maybe this should be cut short-" the woman pace. but i cut her off.

"no i have not 'found' mine nor will i ever, but most of us at the lab discovered a link that mates share. you can feel them in odd ways like sudden pain in your arm is it really your pain? no it belongs to your mate"

"but how do you spend the night with your mate?' the woman asked. i really need to label her.

"i can slip into his thoughts and his mine. most mates don't discover this, i believe my mate dosen't even notice the connection.'

"but doesn't bother you?"

"no it is quite calming seeing that he is safe and happy consisting how crushed he will be will be when he discovers that we can never be"

'why is that?" she pondered

"because i'm an experiment, i don't matter to people. i'm a thing, a piece of property in the eyes of the world. meaning i have an owner that rather destroy me than give me up. to them it's is as close to murder as ripping out a plant for a garden" i stated.

i shouldn't be telling them this but come on it's not like they will suddenly care about me.

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