Tea Party Gone Wrong (Lemon)

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The ringing of the fifth period bell sounded throughout Ouran Academy, signaling that it was time for lunch. Several girls rushed to the old music room where the club's activities took place, in hopes of being the first ones there.

The host club was having a tea party for three lucky girls who won a contest, set up by Tamaki, of course. All the girls had to do to enter the contest was take a candid photo of Haruhi, and Tamaki would select the best ones. The photos would be featured in the next magazine put out by the host club, all without Haruhi's permission, either. (Tamaki really is a perv.)

There was a large locked box just inside the doors, with a slot in the top. The girls dropped their photos in and then went on their merry way. While the girls did this, Haruhi was going off at Tamaki for allowing girls to do this without her permission. In the end, Tamaki went to his emo corner and cried.

The next day, the tea party was held. The three girls that had won the contest came to the host club fifth period and enjoyed their tea with all of the hosts surrounding them and pampering them-- except Haruhi. Haruhi had to serve the tea.

The innocent tea party went on for most of the period, until one of the girls suggested playing spin the bottle. Hikaru and Kaoru were all for the idea, and they even went and got a bottle of sparkling grape juice just for the occasion. Tamaki got excited and made Haruhi come sit with them. Mori went off to do whatever Mori does, and Honey went with him.

It was just the twins, Tamaki, Kyoya, Haruhi, and the girls. Hikaru spun first, and it landed on Kaoru. The girls squealed in delight and watched Kaoru's face turn a blistering red. Hikaru shrugged like it was nothing and gripped Kaoru's chin, turning his twin to face him. The elder twin pressed his lips against Kaoru's for a few seconds, and then pulled away. Kaoru's eyes widened, and he blinked a few times in shock.

Next Tamaki spun, and it landed on Kyoya, who wasn't even paying attention to the game. He was reading something, but when Tamaki cleared his throat, he looked up. "Hm?" Kyoya looked down at the table and saw the bottle pointing at him. "Fine. Closet." He stood up and went to the closet, and Tamaki followed suit. "Ooh, seven minutes in heaven~" One of the girls giggled.

Kyoya and Tamaki stood in the dark closet for a moment before either of them even said anything. "Do you want to really do this? We can just act like we did--" Tamaki started, but was cut off by Kyoya's lips hitting his own. Kyoya ran his fingers through Tamaki's blonde hair as they kissed, and he pushed Tamaki up against the wall.

Neither of them spoke once Kyoya pulled away, because Kyoya was too busy getting down on his knees in front of Tamaki. Tamaki stared down through the darkness at the slightly older male, biting down on his lower lip. "Kyoya, you really don't have to do this if you don't want to." He whispered, not wanting the others to hear.

Kyoya didn't respond, and instead unzipped Tamaki's pants. It wasn't long before he had pulled out Tamaki's six inches, and was stroking him to get him hard. Tamaki moved his hand to cover his mouth, stifling a soft moan.

"Four minutes, you guys!"

The boys heard one of the girls call. "All I need is three." Kyoya said under his breath before closing his mouth around Tamaki's member. Tamaki moaned into his palm, swallowing hard.

Kyoya really only needed three minutes, like he said, to make Tamaki cum. When Tamaki came, Kyoya swallowed it all, and stood back up like nothing happened.

The girls were pretty suspicious, though.


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