Seagoat Drawings -Gamzee x Reader-

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[A/N: Yo, G here. Im here with a reminder that Im reposting these from my deviantART account, uhh there will be a lemon at the end heh so yeah stay tuned my mothergrubers! Ô×Ô 

You lay in your bed thinking. Deciding whether you should go tell him. But then again, you could get rejected. He was a purple-blood, highest of them all. So why would he ever accept you? Wasn't flushed for Tavros? Your heart began to break thinking of the PB&J everyone seems to ship. You roll over and look at a blank page in your sketch book. Art block. You grunt out of frustration. You would go outside but there were.. people out there. You were sort of anti-social, so you didn't really speak much.

 You thought about Gamzee again. He inspired you to draw a lot of things, though he didn't know that. No one did. And you'd probably die if someone found out.

"Maybe I can draw a seagoat, and give it to Gamz!" You shivered with excitement. Then you realized something. If you can't even talk to a normal person, how could you talk to a laid-back clown?! You thought for a moment. "Nepeta would give.. no.. maybe I can ask Karkat.. Nah he'd start asking questions. Jane! Wait no.. " You mentally laughed when you remembered the time when Jane told you about the time when she saw Gamzee in his godtier outfit. "Guess I'll just have to give it to him my self.. pffft yea never-mind, it's not that important!" Why were you so lazy?

 Eventually you got the energy to go to the park and get some fresh air, bringing your sketchpad and your laptop along. Yes, you were a computer junky. But who isn't right? You sat at a bench and took out a pencil and started with some basic guide line of what exactly you were going to draw. You went through your whole process and started shading when you were done. Adding some purple, but not other colors because, well, you weren't a fan of too many bright colors. Red, black, various shades of grey, purple, teal, mostly dark colors.

 You were almost done when you felt someone sit by you. But you were always into your drawings so you didn't really notice them.

"Hey sis.. sis! Hey you there??" The person poked your head.

"What the hell do y-y-y... oh umm h-hey Gamzee, right??" Of course you knew what his name was. You knew a whole lot about him. The better question was; what was he doing here, talking to you of all people?! You tried to avoid eye contact but you couldn't help but look at his perfectly toned face structure, and his face paint didn't help, but only highlighted it. And that jawline.. And lets not forget those sexy horns of his You tried to keep calm. 

"Yup that's me! So, whatcha drawing?" He took your sketch book looking through it.

You started to panic again. There were things he should not look at!! [AN: And no not that type of stuff you naughty person.. *u*]

"J-just some art I drew! U-ummm really b-boring s-stuff!! Heh.." You noticed that you kept stuttering, you only do that when you were nervous. He knew that, but you didn't know he knew that. He knew that you didn't know that he knew. He kinda kept a watchful eye on you.

"Well you got a miraculous talent!" You could just imagine his signature smiley face at the end of that sentence which made you melt.

"Hehe, t-thanks.." He handed you back your sketch book. But no, he didn't leave. He stayed there. Watching you. You thought he could hear your heart beating. You decided to calm your self down by getting back to the seagoat you were drawing. You signed your name on it and marked the date. On the back you wrote;

To: Gamzee Makara, that one miraculous clown!

From: Me

You handed the picture to him, smiling, hoping you weren't blushing. He looked at it and smiled. He pulled you into an unexpected hug.

"Thanks {Name}sis!" He knew your name. The Gamzee Makara knew your name. And he liked your drawing! You were so happy that you couldn't respond. He was still hugging you.

"Umm Gamz.. you're still hugging m-me..." He didn't loosen his grip on you. Instead he hugged you tighter.

"I know." You let out a small meep.

"Heey, let me go." You stuck your lip out.

"Not until you agree to slam a wicked elixir with me, later today!" 

"..Okay, I guess.." On the outside you were cool, but on the inside you were jumping up and down screaming 'Yaaaaay~~'.

~*~* Timeskip with a chibi dancing Kurloz *~*~

 You got up from a quick nap and stretched. 

"That was a cute dream~" You said as you went to go finish the seagoat drawing.

"Wait.. it was.. oh god, it wasn't a dream?!" You stopped talking to your self. Who talks to them self?! Oh yea, you. You push the thought away as you got some other clothes on, tripping along the way to your bathroom.

 A few minutes later you hear your laptop ringing.

"Who's pestering me?" You sat on your bed, criss-crossed with your laptop in your laptop and logged on.

-- terminallyCapricious [TC] began pestering chumHandle [CH] at ??:?? --

TC: HeY ThErE SiS!  :o)

CH: Oh hey!

CH: I'll be right over! ^^

TC: AlRiGhT MoThErFuckEr.

-- chumHandle [CH] ceased pestering terminallyCaprious [TC] at ??:?? --

[AN: Ehh not a big cliff hanger but yea. :I 

I'll be posting part 2 soon. Like later today! And maybe a grub!Sollux x Reader. Actually, yes I will. :p

Okai, bai!]

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