You'll always have me

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  You sat in your room, door closed, blinds shut and you haven't showered. This is only the tip of the ice berg of your depression. What's causing it? Gamzee. He hasn't been heard from for 2 months. No one knows where he's at. All you remember is that the first day he went missing was a whole lot of commotion about staying inside and to hide. Karkat is currently sitting in front of door, and he's dead tired. He's been guarding your door for those 2 months.

  He was told to, do then you wouldn't get hurt. Gamzee told him to lock you up and to keep you hidden until everything was okay again. Of course, no one ever explains anything to you do for all you know Gamzee could be dead and you're being held hostage. You stopped eating and talking. And it takes a large amount of energy for you to even get out of bed. Gamzee was your happiness, and now he's gone and he took your joy with him. You felt lifeless. Dull. You felt alone. And it hurt so much. Everything was bland and cold. You were at your ultimate low.

 "(y/n).. Someone's here to see you.." You heard Karkat's tired voice call before he let the visitor in. You felt your bed move and someone lay next to you. You were numb. It felt like nothing could pull you out of your pit of sorrow.

  "Sis... Come on.. I missed you and I got a whole bunch of wicked shit planned for us to do.." The visitors voice sounded concerned... and familiar. Still, you didn't move. You felt the visitor get up. You closed your eyes to try to ignore everything they was telling you to get up. Then you felt a presence in front of you.

  "Sis, wake up... I'm back, see! I'm all up and mothrrfucking better!" You felt a hand rub your cheek. Your eyes slowly opened and looked at the figure before you. Painted face, and cheerful purple eyes. You felt tears start to form into your eyes and a quivering smile form.

  "G-Gamz-zee..." It was difficult for you to speak since you're mouth was dry and you haven't spoken in a while. You sat up and Gamzee immediately hugged you. The tears were raining now. Everything started to get it's wonderful color and you felt happy again. That's all the two of you did. Was hug for 3 hours straight in silence. After a while you did take a shower so now you and Gamzee were just sitting on the couch.

  "Gamzee, where were you? I thought something bad happened to you. And no one knew where you were. U thought you were dead! You didn't leave a message or anything! I was so worried and scared! I-I didn't know what I would do with out you. Ga-" You didn't get to finish your sentence because you started crying again. Gamzee pulled you closer to him and started to shoosh you.

  "Hey.. hey lil mama, calm down. You're gonna make yourself sick. Now, this motherfucker is all shades if sorry. I was just trying to keep my lil mama and my friends safe is all. I could never hurt or leave you, alright? I'm here now, and if that ain't a miracle then I don't know what is. And for me not knowing what a miracle is, we wouldn't all up and be red for each other." Your sobbing had died down now.

  "You know what would make me feel better?" You said in a quiet voice looking up at him.

  "What? I'd do anything to see my lil miracle happy." He looked down at you and smiled.

  "If you take me to go get frozen yogurt." A smile started to spread across your face.

  "Sure thing, sis!" And within a blink Gamzee picked you up and carried you out the door.

  "Gam, I can walk..." He looked at you asking if you were sure and you gave him a reassuring nod before he put you down. Your hand found his and your fingers tangled, earning a smile from the tall troll.

  You sat at one of the tables with your frozen yogurt and waited for Gamzee. You thought about how different your life was without him in it. It was something that you didn't want. Thinking about what would have happened if Gamzee hadn't gotten back sooner scared you. Gamzee was walking over with his yogurt when he saw your face looking pale. He quickly sat next to you and lifted your chin up.

  "What's the matter? Your face is lookin' like a gloomy day at the beach, sis." He had serious in his tone which made it difficult to lie.

  "It's just that... I really missed you. And I'm glad you got back when you did." Gamzee stared into your eyes for a while. You knew he was reading you to see if you were telling the truth or not.

  Who ever said that everything gets past Gamzee, was wrong. He always paid attention, no one just really cared to notice. But of course, you did. Once he was certain that you were telling the truth he sat you on his lap and rested his chin on your head.

  "I'm glad I got back just in time too, sis. Now come on and lets finish this up so then we do all the wicked shit I planned!" he smiled as he nuzzled your neck. You couldn't help but smile. His grins were always contagious.

  "Alright, alright hehe. It's so difficult to be upset with you around, Gamz." You said childishly while you leaned against him and began to eat your frozen yogurt.

--TimeSkip a few hours--
--Gamzee's POV--

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