wweh blubbin part fivve

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-- Please enjoy you're lovely Gamgam! Ô×Ô--

 "Ugh, you know what guys, this isn't going to be as much fun as it would be with out Gamzee. I'll go look for him." Everyone said their okays in their own individual ways. As you were walking away you heard Karkat trying to catch up with you.

  "Hey asshat, wait up!" You giggled then turned around. "What is it Grumpy?" He rolled his eyes at you and started walking ahead of you. "Im coming with you, have you forgotten that Gamzee is also my fucking responsibility?" You shook your head and joined him. "What do you mean by also?"

"You mean he didn't ask you yet?"

"Ask me what?"

"Never fucking mind, forget I even said anything.." 

   You shrugged aπd followed the short tempered troll. "So.. do you know where we're going Kar?" He froze. "Not a fucking clue. Wait I think I know where.." He promptly grabbed your wrist and dragged you away. So many questions were going through your head, but of course they all got distracted by other random thoughts.

  Now, whether this was helpful to anyone right now depends. Karkat had something planned, but you never knew that. Everything would be ruined if you found out, so Karkat led you in a direction where he knew, and hoped, you wouldn't recognize. "Give me your keys." 

  You shook your head and blinked. "Wha.. why?" You looked though your pocket and grabbed your keys with a (favorite show) key-chain on it. "Whyyyy?" He just ignored you, snatched your keys and opened your door.

   "Follow me nookwhiff." Not without food first! You went through your cupboards and got the yummiest snack you could find, (favorite flavor) pocky! 

  You sighed, getting excited just thinking about the box that contained the awesomeness. "(full name) COME THE FUCK HERE NOW." You jumped and followed Karkat's 'angry' voice. "Yes, father?" You mocked and opened the pocky box.

  He continued as you took one of the pocky sticks and started munching thoughtfully on it, "I'll go look near the ocean. He never goes there. You look around your own disgusting term of an excuse of this thing you call hive. After all, why would he hide in a dump like this?"

  "Gee, thanks Karkitty.." you said as he walked though your front door, and then proceeded to flip you off with both hands. "I dont like you even more for that!" you called after him, you simply shrugged and headed upstairs.

  You figured you'd look around in your closet and bedroom. Reaching your room, you looked around and took in the familiar sight of (floor type), (f/c) blankets on the bed, a plush, (f/c) rug on the floor, and a (f/c) curtain to match in addition.

  You huffed as you started the tedious search for your clowny friend. 'Why would he hide here anyways?' you thought as you walked out of our room, unsuccessful looking for him there.

  Searching in the other rooms, there was no sight of the tall clown. You let out a sigh in an exasperated manner. 'How do you even loose someone like him?!' you thought as you stuffed your mouth with another pocky stick.

  You were just about to get Karkat and complain, but just then you heard a loud noise coming from your basement. "What the hell was that?" You questioned your self, wondering to go check. If this were a movie you'd be telling yourself no, but your curiosity got the best of you, and followed the noise.

  You arrived at your basement door and quietly opened it, thankfully there was no sound being made. You quietly crept down the stairs, making sure not to make any sudden sounds as you walked down the stairs, getting ready to fight.

  When you got the the bottom of the stairs, you flicked on the light and pointed your (weapon) at the tall shadowy figure. "I HAVE A (weapon) AND IM NOT AFRAID TO U-USE IT.. Gamzee?!"

  The said troll was in one of the several boxes in your basement and he looked, sort of.. stuck. You put down your weapon and looked at him. Despite the thickness of Gamzee's facepaint, it didn't help at all to hide his deep indigo blush that was clearly showing.

  You giggled, and he blushed even more, if that was even possible. You sat down next to him and looked him in his gorgeous indigo eyes. "Two things, one why are you in my basement? And two.. why are you in a box?"

  Gamzee took a minute or two before responding. Then he looked at you, his normal careless expression quite different than usual. "Well you see, lilmama, I lost my faygo, and the miracles made it come here in this mighty wicked lower part of your hive. And Im up and in this box here because, well you see, I tripped because it was dark and next thing I know Im all up getting motherfucking stuck."

  You let out a small giggle. You couldn't help it. You held out your hands to him, which he took, and helped him out. Once he was standing again, he thanked you. You looked up at Gamzee and tilted your head to the side.

  "Gamz, Karkat told me that it was his responsibility to look after you, along with mine. But not technically like that. I asked him what he meant, but he just told be to forget about it.. do you know what he was trying to say?"

  Gamzee froze, his eyes going wide. "W-well sis.. what he meant by that was, well I.." Your eyes fixed onto him, giving him your best death glare. "Gamzee motherfucking Makara, tell. me. now!" You stomped your foot to emphasize you were serious.

  He looked off to the side and muttered something. You shot him a look that said you didn't hear him, and he let out a sigh, "I.. what Karbro meant was that I have red feelings for you." 

  He said it quietly, but you still heard it, your face turned crimson red. You looked up at him as he continued, "I up and understand if you don't feel the sa-" he was cut off by grabbing the front of his shirt and bringing his face down so that your lips smashed together in a kiss. 

  You let go of him, "I do feel the same." you said, and looked at the ground. He looked down at you, eyes wide and face showing indigo like mad! Then he looked at you and smiled that carefree smile, "So, do you wanna all up and be motherfucking matesprits?" he asked, you replied with another small kiss and a quiet yes.

  He smiled, "Then let's go celebrate!" He picked you up bridal style up the stairs and into your bedroom, locking the door behind the two of you.

Seagoat Drawings -Gamzee x Reader-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें