uHHH,,, pART 3! }:)

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--Enjoy! Ô×Ô--

"No, you're cuter." Dave tangled his fingers with yours. "Okay, that's true, but so are you~" You giggled, snuggling up closer to him. "I told you, I wasn't 'cute' I'm cool as fuck." You smiled. "Right again, cool kid!" You got a message from Terezi saying that your scalemate was finally finished. "Hey, I gotta go." You said grabbing your back pack.

 You peck Dave on his forehead and walked out, smirking to your self, knowing that he was watching you leave. You tuned on your heel. "Stop looking, perv" He smirked and walked up to his turn tables and started playing some really awesome music.

 -- Time skip because I'm lazy!  --

 You walked into Terezi's hive. "Rezi? You here..?" Out of no where the Libra popped out putting the scalemate in your face. "It's finally finished! I couldn't mind any of my red fabric, so I asked Kanaya but she didn't have any left so all I had to work with was purple! What do you think?" You smiled. "I think it looks so awesome, it's almost criminal~!" The two of you laughed for a while, then she started to interrogate you again.

 "So, [Name]. Is Dave treating you well? Is he too cool for you, or are you too for him? When was the last time you guys kissed? Did he ever take his shades off around you? Has he called you within the last 5 minutes?" You were trying to answer but every time you opened your mouth another question came out of hers! "Rezi! Calm down, and what's up with all of the questions about Dave?"

 Now it was your turn to ask the questions. "Is there something that you and Dave are not telling me? Does he think I'm not attractive anymore? Are you sure Sir Lemonsnout really did it? Where's your proof? Why aren't you asking any of my questions? Since you aren't I can presume that you're hiding something!"

 Terezi was shocked but also impressed. "Wow you're getting better and better everyday! And I was only asking to make sure he was treating you well, and if he wasn't he'd be in prison the next time I see him! Er.. uh, I mean in the blink of an eye!" You stared at her. 

"I may be blind, but I can still blink!" You giggled. "Well thanks for the scalemate, Rezi!" You got up and walked to the door, and Terezi got up with you.

 "One more question." You turned and leaned against the door frame. "Yes Officer Terezi?" "What will you name your new companion?" You thought for a moment. It was supposed to be Dave, but the color didn't remind you of him. "I guess I'll name him.. Gz." Terezi squinted and smirked. "Enjoy your Gam- I mean, Gz!" You were confused for a moment then she slammed the door. "Well okay then.."

 You were on your way walking back to your home when you got a message from Terezi. It was a video.. "Another one of her art dumps.." You opened up the video and to your surprise it was of Dave and Jade holding hands. You felt tears trying to escape, but they didn't fall. You were upset, you knew Dave was too cool for you. And how could you compete with Jade?! She had the most adorable dog ears and tail! You smiled. At least he's happy.., you thought to your self.

 Taking a shaky breath you decided to stay outside for a little. You weren't going t go mope at the park because you knew there could be someone to try and comfort you, and you didn't want their pity. You looked at the floor, walking, not paying attention to where you were going.

 You had a pair of [f/c] headphones around your neck and decided to listen to some up beat music. You didn't notice that each step you took matched the rhythm of the song. You liked playing your music on the highest set of volume, not caring if one day you could do deaf because of it. Nothing was going to stop you from feeling the base. Realizing you had some shades(way cooler than Dave's) hanging from the neck of your shirt, you took them out and put them on.

 To be honest you felt badass. You thought that when ever you and Dave would break up you'd be a sobbing mess. But actually, you felt.. more confident in the way you thought about your self. It brought a lazy smile to your face. Caught up in you music you hadn't noticed the sand. "How'd I get to a beach?" You shrugged it off and continued walking straight.

-- Another time skip, you walked for 30 fucking minutes. --

  You stopped for a second and removed your headphones so you can hear better. You looked around. Did someone call me? You didn't see anyone. "Hey! [Name]!! Over here, sis!" "Who the hell is it..?" You started to get frustrated, not liking this Marco Polo game. You heard some splashing and turned to the ocean. There was a tall figure approaching you.

 "Hey! You up and remember me, don't you?" You squinted, trying to identify the person. By the voice you could assume it was a male, and tall. And.. oh god.. was he.. SHIRTLESS?! He finally was about two feet away from you. "G-Gamzee..?" You tilted your head, you haven't seen this clown in forever! Actually it was a few months, but still! "I would hug you but you're kind of.." Gamzee looked at himself. "Heh, oh yea." He pulled you into a hug anyways.

 "Gamz! You're getting me all salt-watery!! And you're hugging me too tight!" He set you down. To your surprise he wasn't wearing his face paint. "Heeey. Where'd your face paint go?" It took him a while for him to give you a response. "Well I was just waking from a little nap and my face paint was all messed up. I didn't want to have to redo the whole motherfucking thing just to turn around and do it again when I got back from a good swim! No use in wasting that motherfucking energy! So I decided to leave it off until I up and got back." You nodded, understanding.

 There was an awkward pause. "Well, nice seeing you Gamz but I have to go-" "Where to, sis?" You mentally faced palmed. "Oops, I forgot I wasn't really going anywhere.. I was just going for a stroll, ya know. To clear my mind of things, the norm." It looked like Gamzee had zoned out again. You wished you knew what he was thinking about. It must be pretty fun to be Gamzee, not having to care about anything, or worrying about not being 'cool enough'.

 While he was in this state of mind you took a step back to admire his abs. Wait. No, this is awkward, weird, and awkward. "Okay, I'm just avoid this awkward situation and take this valuable time to get the fuck out of here before you come back to.. reality I guess. Real nice talking to ya, Gamz. You're a real great listener." You looked at Gz in your arms for a second before walking away. An arm grabbed you. "Thanks sis!" What the hell?! "You heard my this whole time?! Why didn't you say anything when I-" You took a breath and regained your posture, fixing your shades. "Never mind.." You mumbled.

 Gamzee let g of your arm. "Wanna help me put the face paint back on?" Before you could even answer Gamzee hauled you into his hive. "H-hey! You must really want me to go Kankri on your ass!" You took a deep breath. Was he looking for something, and ignoring you?!

 "Gamzee Makara! It was very triggering when you invaded my personal space and dragged me into your home. Not to mention the fact that you didn't even give me the time to answer your question, which to mention is highly triggering! And would you please put a shirt on! I understand before, but you have had plenty of time to grab a shirt and put it back on like a proper gentleman wo-" Your lecture was interrupted by Gamzee shoving a Faygo in your palms.

 You. Loved. Faygo. He knew it would shut you up, at least for a while. "I guess I have time to help you with your face paint.." You grunted opening up your miraculous bottle of faygo. Gamzee's face lit up when he heard you agree t helping him and ran to the back to get the supplies.

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