Eight - Everything Is Rushing To My Head.

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People say that the bad memories cause the most pain, but really... It's the good ones that drive you insane.

I arrived and swung my car around the bend and into the car park. I parked my car on the front row of the restaurant car park, turned my keys, opened the door and stepped out. I walked nervously into the Italian restaurant with the clicking sound of my 14 inch stilettos coming into contact with the grey cement, and asked the waiter where I could find Harry. He led me to the table and I saw Harry’s luscious curls and his bright green eyes. He smiled at me cheekily, stood up, and started walking over to me. He took my hand and said.

“Hey loser, you look gorgeous."

Psh, typical Haz.

“Oh, thanks Hazza. You're not too bad yourself." I winked at him.

"Come on, the table is over there."

He grabbed my hand, almost dragging me over to the table. It was a simple square table. With a beautiful embroidered white table cloth on top, a few candles in the middle as well as the good old salt and pepper shakers and a menu sitting in front of us. He untucked my chair, waiting for me to move in front of it so he could kindly tuck me in behind it. What a gentlemen. That's what i loved about Harry. We continues making small talk and soon ordered and finished our meals.

"Thanks for tonight Haz, it was really sweet of you." I said, bringing up my  hand to his hair and ruffling it.

"No worries, come with me!" 

Harry took my hand and led me outside, he took me down a long dark alley way, which led to a beautiful bridge, decorated with white candles lighting it up. The bridge floated on top of a creek and it was beautiful. I swear, my mouth nearly hit the floor. I stood there with my mouth wide open, huge eyes. Just staring at what he’d done for me.

“Awe Hazza, you did this all for me?"

"All for you, loser."

He grabbed onto my hand firmly and we walked over to the other side of the bridge where there was a little picnic set up. Swinging our hands in the air, higher and higher with every step. Of course, cause we’d already eaten, there were just a few nibblies and a bottle of champagne. We sat down and started chatting for a while. He then got up on his feet.

“Just one more thing.”

“What now Harry!"

He held his finger up and pushed in gently down on my lips.

“Just sh, you're always so impatient.” he said teasingly.

He was digging his hand in his pockets looking for something. His eyes lit up and he pulled out a blue felt box. He gave it to me.

“Open it.” He said smiling showing his deep dimples.

I did as he said, untying the white lace ribbon it was encased with and flicked open the hinges revealing a beautiful sterling silver necklace that was engraved with the words. "Forever."

I looked up from the box, and he'd pulled out a matching necklace, a manlier one. It read "Always."

“Awe Haz, that's so cute!"

"Forever and always, that's how long we'll be best friends." He said.

I jumped into his arms and he spun me around. He put me down after a few moments and snaked his hands around my waist and kissed my nose lightly. I scrunched it up as he did so, giggling. I pulled back looking up at his perfect emerald green eyes.

“Thanks for tonight Harry.”

He nodded and grabbed my hand in his as we walked back to the car.

That's when they took him from me. A Harry Styles Fan Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now