Forty One - It's Not Even Ten AM.

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I'm laying in bed with Tayla. Our fingers are locked together and they're resting on her waist. Her long brown hair is carelessly curled and scattered out along the white pillow. She looks so peaceful, so beautiful. Like nothing in the world could hurt her and it seems like all her problems have drifted away. I can't believe I ever left her. I've been so horrible, just to leave her like that, to pretend I was dead and to make her go through all of that. I feel terrible, I wish that I could take it all back. I've loved Tayla ever since I laid eyes on her, she has the most beautiful eyes, crystal clear blue with a hint of green that winds delicately into the center. I love her, and I've never stopped, and I probably never will.


I woke up in his arms, in his arms.

I was spooning him, his breath was hot against my neck and tickled the sensitive skin that lay there. His arm was securely wrapped around my waist with our fingers locked together, resting over my belly button.

I don't remember what happened last night, I just remember telling him that I hated him. My eyes are so sore and probably still red and puffy, my nose is slightly blocked from all the crying too. I quickly turned over to look at him, his glistening green eyes were open and he was obviously awake. I quickly unlocked our fingers and snatched myself away from his grip. His face fell, frown lines started to appear on his acne stricken forehead and his lips pursed, forming a straight line, a look of disappointment and confusion settling over his eyes.

"I love you, Tayla." He almost pleaded, looking me straight in the eyes.

The first tear of the day fell and trailed down my red cheeks, then the second and the third, they went on and they didn't stop. The lump in my throat continued to grow larger and it was restraining me from talking. My lips trembled and my hands started to shake.

"But you left!" I cried, pointing my shaking fingers up to him and then angrily bashing them down onto the white sheets that messily covered the queen sized bed.

He sat up in bed, bringing the white duvet up around his waist. His bare chest lay uncovered and his abs were clearly shown, the little mass of skin settling at the bottom of his torso.

"I had to!" He yelled back, bashing his clenched fists into the white duvet that surrounded him.

"No you didn't!" I cried, hastily wiping the tears off my cheeks as they didn't stop flowing. It's not even ten o'clock in the morning and I'm already crying.

He whipped the blankets angrily off of himself and threw them to the other side of the bed. He climbed to his feet and stomped his way over to me, although his face was soft his body rung with anger, his fists were clenched, leaving the top of his knuckles a deathly shade of white. He towered over me, and I looked up into his piercing green eyes that were glistening with a mixture of lust and anger.

"I did it because I loved you!" He shouted at me, pointing his finger at me.

"You left because you loved me?!" I cried.

"You lied!" I finished poking my fingers into his chest like knives.

"You don't know anything!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air and tugging at his curls frustratedly.

"I don't know anything? You were dead! I watched as they pulled your lifeless body into that ambulance. I waited in that hospital room for hours, wondering if you were dead or not. I listened as the nurse told me that my best friend was dead. I cried every night knowing that I would never get the chance to see you again. I wished that you would come back, only knowing that you wouldn't. I planned that funeral. I sat on that bench in the church hall and watched as your dead body was carried up the aisle. I watched as everyone cried around me. I watched as they buried you six feet under. So don't you fucking dare tell me that I don't know anything." I screamed, digging my fingers like knives into his toned chest, watching as he'd stumble back every time.

"Just give me another chance." He almost pleaded, his eyes glistening and welling up with tears.

"I can't. Giving you another chance is like giving you another bullet for your gun, because you missed me the first time." I cried, tears flowing heavily because it hurt even more to say that out loud.

I didn't truly want to let him go. I didn't want to say any of that. It just kind of all spilled out - word vomit. I need him.

"Come here." He cooed, spreading his arms out and uneasily prodding his feet over to me. I willingly fell into his arms and sobbed helplessly into his arms.



i'M SORRY THAT IT'S REALLY SHORT, because i don''t have a laptop i have to write it on my ipod so i really don'tk know how long the chapters are till i post them.

I'm going to go back through the older chapters and re write them so they're better cause they're really sucky lolol/


please coment and vote and leave me lovely comments to wake up to (:

big love, Tayla xxxx

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