Forty Six - Murder.

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The pit of my stomach was full of a mixture of various emotions, most of which I didn’t even know a human like me could feel. They sat there, teasing & taunting me throughout those few minutes that I began to realise what the curly haired boy had just told me.

The whole world seemed to stand still and everyone just stared mutely at the boy standing in front of me. Our mouths were agape and our eyes so wide that they seemed as if they would fall out of their sockets at any moment. I tried to form words but the huge lump began to build up in the back of my throat. What could I say – there were no words. If it doesn’t kill you straight away, it slowly consumes your mind until you have no control over yourself. The round analogue clock that sat snuggly on the wall ticked tauntingly, piercing through the thick silence of the rather large room. The shuddering breaths that escaped my mouth became more vigorous as those words began to process in my mind.

“I killed Niall.”

I cocked my head to the side, my eye brows furrowed as the tears began to fill my eyes. I examined the boy in front of me. Thinking how such a boy would be capable of doing such a thing. Those three simple words replayed over and over again in my head like a record player on repeat. The haunting words which became even more gut wrenching every time they were repeated.

No one dare spoke, but really what could you say in a situation like this. They say you learn new things every day and learning that the person I loved – my best friend, killed his band mate wasn’t one that I would’ve liked to learn.

“You don’t have to be afraid of me, babe.”

All the tiny increments of that night came rushing back into my mind and I had no control of stopping them. It all made sense now, but at the same time it made absolutely no sense at all. I now realised why he said I didn’t have to be afraid. I now know why that very unfamiliar voice that night did in some way sound very familiar indeed.

And now I wondered how he would’ve done it. How he would’ve held that gun to the blonde boys chest, stare him directly in his terrified eyes and pull the trigger. Then without a worry in the world he’d be back on his way, not really caring about the fact that he just killed someone. Taken away someone’s son, brother or loved one.

But most of all I really wondered how he’d lived this long with such guilt. If he even had any at all. If he’d regretted it, or if he didn’t. I don’t understand how he could lie, so much. But now, looking into his green eyes, even though my tears blurred my vision, the true emotions were seen.


It soon turned to worry.

“W- Why?” I whimpered as the tears overwhelmed my body. I found it hard to breath and my breath hitched in my throat viciously. I searched his eyes for the answer but they were impassive, either that or they were a mixture of too many emotions which I couldn’t just yet comprehend at this very moment.

There was a long moment of silence as everyone still stood mesmerized, still trying to figure out what they had just been told. None of the boys dare moved an inch but only kept their eyes glued on the curly haired boy whose hair was now messily drooping over his eyes. Without a second thought he flicked his hair out of his eyes with the motion of his middle finger, it entangled with the other strands of hair that grouped together to make his fringe and they sat snugly, although imperfectly dishevelled on the top of his head.

I watched as he gulped, his adams apple bobbing down slightly, then returning up to its resting place in the middle of his delicate neck. His eyes resided to look at his dirty white ALL STARS, the ones he’d worn since forever, the ones that needed to be replaced with shiny new, clean white ones.

That's when they took him from me. A Harry Styles Fan Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now