Eighteen - These Things Left Unsaid

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All the rest of the boys had gone home. Liam wanted to stay, but I told him leave. I hadn’t left since the day she was admitted in. Except for the food breaks, of course. The hospital food was disgusting. I’d usually just go down to macca’s. Or the boys would come and bring me food whenever they visited.

I was sitting on the side of Tayla’s bed, in complete silence. That’s how it always was. The only thing breaking it was the faint beeping of the machines. She looked like a robot, tens of wires and tubes racked up onto her tiny body. She was breathing steadily, her chest rising up and down at an even pace. One strand of hair laying across her nose. I pulled my hand up to it, tucking it behind her hair.

“You see. There’s something I’ve always been hiding, only Liam knows. I guess I was just too afraid at what you’d say next. I really like you Tayla, I have ever since I first met you. You’re so beautiful and funny and sweet and you’re, you’re perfect. I could never tell you any of this because you were always Harry’s. I never wanted to get between the both of you. I guess telling you now that he’s gone is kind of, I don’t know. It’s not right either, but I had to let you know, somehow. I guess telling you while you can’t even hear isn’t much help, but it’s nice to hear it out loud. Not just from that little voice in my head. Do you know how hard it is to watch the person you love, love someone else? It’s horrible. But I guess I got used to it after a while. Isn’t that bad to say. You know, I got used to it. That’s horrible. I’m glad you’re unconscious cause there’s no way that I’d ever be able to tell you all of this if you were conscious.”

I watched as her eyes moved around from below her eyelids and it’s almost as if a smile crept up onto her lips. I smiled to myself too. 


Little did Niall know that I’d heard his speech. I was contemplating whether to ‘wake up’ the whole time, but I guess I’d never get to hear the rest of what he’s saying if i did. Niall was holding onto my hand, stroking it with his thumb. When he’d finished I spoke.

“You just did.” I said back, peaking through the slits in my eyes before opening them widely. Adjusting to the bright white lights in the room. I crinkled my fingers and toes and stretched. My throat was dry and my head was aching. I looked over to Niall who had now pulled back his hand from mine. He flushed a deep crimson colour, whilst looking to the ground at his white supras. A smile crept up onto his lips though.

“You were awake the whole time?” He looked up at me sheepishly.

I nodded slightly, which made him turn an even deeper red. I caught myself blushing too. I could feel my already rosy cheeks turn red and I couldn’t stop smiling.

“P-please, don’t do anything silly like that again. He said looking up at me worryingly. 

“I’m sorry Nialler, but did you read the note?”

“There was a note?” He said, back slightly confused.

“Yeah, when you came to get me, it would’ve been on the sink?”

“Oh no, I only got a call when I was at home to come to the hospital. Zayn found you, uh, maybe he has it.”

“Yeah, he probably has it. Make sure your read it please.”

“I will.” He said back, looking straight into my eyes. 

My dull brown ones, crashing against his bright, vibrant blue ones. That’s one thing I loved about Niall; his eyes.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I gave you such a fright.”

“It’s okay love, all that matters is that you’re okay.”

He leaned up and out of his seat, planting a soft kiss on my forehead. As soon as his warm lips touched my cool forehead butterflies erupted in the pit of my stomach. That’d never happened before. Why was that happening. Was that a good thing? Maybe it was bad? Hundreds of questions ran through my head that day, all of which I couldn’t even answer.



I hope you guys liked this twist.

o0o0o0o0o0 Nialler and Tayla now.

Do you think they should get together?

Or do you think that it's bad that Niall told her or is it good? 

leave me comments down below, and vote and what not.


You're all so sweet and lovely.


Big love, Tayla x

That's when they took him from me. A Harry Styles Fan Fiction.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora